Koudelka Iasant I...I'm scared...hold me.
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Koudelka Iasant (1879 to ?)
Born in Abergenolwyn, a desolate village in the Welsh countryside. Numerous inexplicable phenomenon were brought about by her innate and powerful psychic abilities. She bears the trauma of being cast out of her home at the age of 9, reviled as "the cursed child." Beckoned by voices not of this world, she visits Nemeton Abbey, on All-Hallow's Eve, 1898
[Aptitudes: Healing/Dowsing/Channelling]
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LightSoul: ............
Koudelka: I wonder what the spirits have to say today...? Whose unholy soul will I come into contact with today?
LightSoul: Boo!!! No unholy souls, just me, LIGHTSoul! And you know that Light has gotta be good for ya!
Koudelka: ...Why must my life be plagued with such misery?
LightSoul: Now that I'm in your life, baby, things are gonna look up for you! Oh, crap. I broke your seance stuff. Don't worry. I'll get it. Ah dang, I knocked over your bookshelf. I'll pick it up. Oops. I dropped it out the window...
LightSoul: So...With all this light in your life, you'd feel like you wanna pay me, right? You...You DO have money in the nineteenth century, don't you? And I haven't seen any dinosaurs yet. Where are they? This IS the Jurassic era, isn't it?
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