A proud Biron monk. Monk. My sister pronounces it Mon-k!
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My brother pronounces it Gay-la! Well, Gala is a sad name, anyway.
Gala is a Biron monk who detests Seru because his parents were killed by Seru while in the mist. His title of Master Teacher is despised by Songi, his rival. He joins Vahn and Noa while going to the Voz Forests and there he finds a Ra-Seru called Ozma, which he must join with to defeat Songi, who has also obtained a Ra-Seru.

Gala is a warrior-monk of the Biron faith, a creed whose believers follow a rigorous programme of physical and mental training. Gala's parents fell victim to the Mist when he was very small, and as a result he not only refuses to rely on the power of the Seru, but also dislikes them intensely. Although he gained the title of High Priest at the tender age of 17, he continues to practice as assiduously as ever, and allows himself no time for fun or frivolity. He is of a very serious, earnest disposition.
Height: 178cm
Weight: 82kg
Born on the 21st day of the month Aoba (now aged 18)
Likes: Mental discipline, Biron monastic Moves
Dislikes: Seru of all descriptions, deviousness
Respects: Zob (ZOPU, DAMMIT!)
Favourite Food: Vegetarian dishes
Weapon: Clubs/Axes
Best Weapon: Ra-Seru Flail
Magic Specialty: Lightning
Personal Opinion: Gala is the strongest but slowest of the three characters, but he has some stronger attacks.
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LightSoul: Hey, Gala! Take a lot at this cool Seru I got. Oh look, here comes the mist.
Gala: Shut your mouth! Hey! That Seru is turning into a monster! Get out of the way!
LightSoul: It's only a Gimard, dude. I can take it. Ouch! That's what I get for being level 1.
Gala: Get outta the way you idiot! Ouch!
LightSoul: That's what you get for being at level 1 too! LightSoul Dash! Gimard is chopped in half! LightSoul grabs 100 EXP and gets up a level! Yo-Sah! Gets a Healing Leaf!
Gala: Dammit! I deserved it! Gimme that leaf! It's mine!
LightSoul: No way! I'm gonna lick it! I'm licking it!
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