Legend of Legaia-LightSoul's Help
Legend of Legaia may be an easy game, but there are many things to perfect in it in order to make your team an absolute winner. I haven't played many RPGs compared to other RPGamers, but I have played many in which I have never got a game over, and Legend of Legaia is one of them. This is a guide for beginners to the game who may need some help.
Magic spells. Like in many other games, I was able to pull through using no magic except curative. To gain a magic spell, you must defeat a certain monster. When these monsters appear, you will see a special elemental symbol next to their name, which means that they are a Seru monster of that element, and you are able to acquire them as magic spells. In order to obtain the Seru as a spell, the monster must be defeated. Once defeated, there is a certain chance that the character that delivered the killing strike will gain the spell. For example, if there is a battle with a Gimard between the three characters, and Noa attacks but does not kill it, and then Vahn attacks and does kill it, it may rise and join Vahn. The accessory Ivory Book will raise the chance that you will gain the spell.
It's a good idea to spread out your attacks so that each character can gain the spell. Say, if Noa and Vahn have both gained the spell, and Gala hasn't, I would make Vahn and Noa perform Spirit while Gala attacks. I like to hang around an area until all three characters have all the available spells. This is also a good way to gain levels earlier in the game.
Magic gains levels the more you summon a Seru monster. When magic levels rise, so do effects. For example, Vera, Orb and Spoon, the three healing Seru, will at first only heal HP, but later cure status ailments.
That's pretty much all I have to say for now. So if you'd like you can e-mail me and tell me to shut up, sign the guestbook and tell me to shut up, go back to the Legend of Legaia page and pretend to tell me to shut up, return to the RPG Page and think about telling me to shut up, or just go back to play Legend of Legaia with some new insights to the game which you can tell to shut up. Good luck.
AP can be a crucial factor in a boss battle, or even a regular one that is out of your league. You can gain AP in three ways during battle. The first is by doing anything, and you will receive 8 AP every round. The second is to perform Spirit, which is like defending, but you also gain AP and a boost to your attack bar. The third way is to get attacked by the enemy. Each successful hit will raise your AP a little. With a good amount of AP you can perform each character's special moves. I hardly ever use Arts in battle, which means that I will always have a full AP bar for any upcoming boss battle.
About arts. There are four kinds of arts moves. The first type is the regular arts, a special move that gives higher attack power. These moves cost 18 AP per move, and usually consist of three movements of the attack bar. The next level of the same arts is the one that gives two or more attacks for 24 AP, and consist of about 4 moves. The second type of move is the Hyper Arts. Each character has three Hyper Arts moves, which are learnt from books which can be easily found around the world. These differ in attack power, attack number, movement and AP cost. The third is Super Arts, which are a combination of some regular arts moves, and are costly in AP terms. These moves are not recorded on your list. The final art is called Miracle Arts, and each character has one. This is a devastating combo costing 99 AP and 9 movements. This is a lot of moves strung together finished with a Hyper Arts move.
Though you can learn them yourself through experimentation, some people in the towns will teach you the arts if you let them. Miracle Arts are not taught by anyone. I'm not listing the arts moves here, but you can find them in any good walkthrough.
Arts moves can be linked, say, if the last movement on an Arts move is the first on a second. I'll give you a good example. Take these three dual hitting moves for Vahn-Cyclone, Hurricane and Cross Kick. These are as follows: Cyclone-UDDD, Hurricane-DDUU, Cross Kick-UUUD. You can merge these moves into an eight part movement as follows-UDDDUUUD. This way, Vahn will perform a high kick, two lows, Cyclone, high, Hurricane, high and Cross Kick, which is a devastating combo.
The Muscle Dome: This mini game tournament can give great prizes, but winning the Master Course will give you the great War God Icon. Only Vahn will be able to enter. In order to win, equip these three accessories on Vahn. The Defender Chain (Bought at Drake Castle), Life Grail (Bought in Sol) and the Wonder Amulet (I'm not sure where it's from). This will protect you from abnormal status, help defend attacks, and restore 200 HP per round, which, if you're lucky, will be more than enough. There are thirteen rounds to plough through, many of which are former bosses such as the Delilases, Dohati, Xeto, Berserker, Caruban, Zora and the final round, Jette. The War God Icon is worth the long struggle.
Accessories. There are many in the game, but only a few are worth keeping. The following are the best you can get.
Mettle Gem-Halves AP usage-Receive one from defeating Tetsu in Rim Elm after defeating Cort. I forget where to get the other one, but it is before then.
Mettle Goblet-No AP usage-It's hidden in Juggernaut, I think after the room with Rim Elm's townspeople in it. Run along the walls investigating it until you find it.
War God Icon-Performs same attack twice-Received for defeating Master Course at Muscle Dome in Sol.
War Soul-Increases arts power
Wonder Amulet-No abnormal status
Spirit Jewel-Use 25% less MP
Life Grail-Restores HP after round
Power Ring-Attack power up 20%
Dark Medallion-Performs Arts moves like regular attacks, uncontrollable-Received after defeating Lapis at Mount Dhini.
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