She's the game's babe, yet she's only 12 years old! What's up with that!?
No quote available for Noa right now...
Noa's ark? I don't get it.
Noa is a girl who was raised by wolves and knows nothing about her real family. The wolf who raised her was called Terra, but as it turns out, Terra was actually a Ra-Seru that possessed the wolf in order to raise Noa. On Mt. Rikorua, she finds that she and Terra must revive the Genesis Trees alongside Vahn.

Noa was raised by wolves in the Snowdrift Cave, which was miraculously insulated from the Mist. She has not fully mastered human speech, but she is quick-witted, possesses natural intuition and knows the difference between right and wrong. She has a lively sense of curiosity and a cheerful disposition, but is prone to feelings of loneliness, and absolutely hates to be alone.
Height: 143cm
Weight: 34kg
Born on the 11th day of the month of Kohaku (now aged 12)
Likes: Stomping on bad guys
Dislikes: Feeling lonely, being all on her own
Respects: Terra
Favourite food: Healing mushrooms
Weapon: Claws
Best Weapon: Ra-Seru Fangs
Magic Specialty: Wind
Personal Opinion: The weakest fighter of the three, but it really doesn't matter at about level 50. She is the fastest of the three characters and has the most slots on her line, letting her do more combos in the beginning of the game.
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LightSoul: Hey, Noa. What's up, girl? Had your shots yet?
Noa: Shots? Up? Shot up!
LightSoul: What!? You mouthin' off at me!? Bring it on! Bring it on! Bring it on!!! Let's do it!
Noa: You wanna fight!? I'll show you how to fight! Ha-ri-keeeeeen Kick-A!
LightSoul: Hey, didn't you sorta copy that move offa Chun Li? Also her flying Bird Kick sounds like your Bird Step move.
Noa: It's not my fault, it's the programm-erz.
LightSoul: Whatever. Your game was too short.
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