Nigel Nigel is such a stupid name.
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An elfin man who is always looking for trouble and treasure. He rescues Friday from Kayla, Wally and Ink, and learns of the treasures of King Nole. Taking the opportunity to find the greatest treasure of all, Nigel and Friday embark on an epic adventure to find them. This guy has feet bigger than his head!
Weapon: Sword
Best Weapon: I DON'T KNOW!
Personal Opinion: Find lifestock! Find lifestock!
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LightSoul: Hey, Nigel! I got a hot tip on where to find an awesome treasure!
Nigel: Ooh, where!? Gimme, gimme, gimme!
LightSoul: I think I forgot it...wait...It's got something to do with an ancient sacred toilet and the golden plunger of fate...
Nigel: Plunger of fate, huh? Golden, you say? I'm there! Where is it!?
LightSoul: The ancient Gotago Tribe Scrolls said something about it being deep in the jungle of ancient sacred toilets, off the coast of toiltetania in western Australia.
Nigel: Australia, huh? Yes! I'm on my way! Am I wearing pants? Good! I'm all set!
LightSoul: Yeah, and in Australia, your dorky name might actually be okay.
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