Here's your game's elf.
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Arty? Arty!? What is up with that!?
An elf who is destined to fight alongside Maxim against the sinistrals. Artea is bold and wants only the wellbeing of his friends, the elves. Artea sees more than Guy usually does, Guy only seeing the surface, but Artea sees what's going on inside as well.
Weapons: Swords, Rapiers, Rods, Bows
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Attack, healing
Personal opinion: Artea's magic is the best, being the only one who can use Zap and Fry. His fighting power is just about the same as Selans, and his magic slightly lower.
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LightSoul: Hey, Artea. Don't do you elf voodoo on me. I'm just passing through.
Artea: Elf voodoo? What have you been taking?
LightSoul: Guess! I'm talking to an elf who talks back! I obviously ate some chicken from behind the couch...the blue hair must come from the mould.
Artea: I'm real for crying out loud and learn to type already! This would speed up the process of this inane chatter!
LightSoul: Blimey! I only made about five mistakes in that last sentence and about three in this onne. Oops!
Artea: By the way, what's type? I'm just reading this script you gave me and it's got some flaws, I think.
LightSoul: That's no flaw! You are supposed to rub this dirty thing all over your face!
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