He's the game's hero, punk!
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Maximum wussiness!
Maxim is a monster hunter from a small town and his best friend and secret admirer Tia wishes he would give it up and lead a normal life. This is far from his fate, however, since he is destined to fight the four sinistrals that will plague humanity with suffering. The strange woman named Iris often appears in Maxim's adventure to inform him of his destiny.
Weapons: Swords
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Attack, Healing
Personal opinion: Maxim is an overall good character. He is not as good with magic as Selan, Tia and Artea, and is a little weaker in strength than Guy and Dekar. He is the most well-rounded character in the group.
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LightSoul: Hey, Maxim! You strut around thinking you're the cock of the walk. Well you, sir, are cock of nothing!
Maxim: W-What!? Really? And all this time I thought I was...I guess I'll just have to go down in the history books as a legend only.
LightSoul: Hey, don't you give me that 'I'm a hero' bull, I get that from just about everyone else I interview!
Maxim: Then maybe you should interview a loser, like, let's see...yourself!
LightSoul: Ooh! Insulted by a group of bland pixels! Alright! 16-Bit is the future, baby!!! In your face, Alex Kidd (TM)!!!
Maxim: Well, 16-Bit is better than some two-bit punk like you. Hey, what does two-bit mean anyway?
LightSoul: That reminds me of this really funny joke. I met my friend the other day, and he said he hadn't had a bite to eat all day. So you know what? I bought him a burger and he looked happy!
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