He's this game's tough, dumb guy.
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Aguro is a commander in the army who meets the hero and Lufia during their journey. When it is apparent that they need help, Aguro quits the army to join them.
Aguro is not that agro.
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: Luck Blade (CURSED)
Magic Specialty: None
Personal Opinion: Aguro is the best fighter, but he cannot use magic. The only way he can heal is with items.
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LightSoul: Hey, Aguro! In this crazy world you live in, I guess green is a natural hair colour, huh?
Aguro: Let me tell you a little story...Once when me and my men went down to the beach for a break, there was all this pollution and sewerage in the water.
LightSoul: ...Aw man...I can see where this is going...
Aguro: So I told my men not to worry, got myself a broom and tried to push the gunk away from the surface with it. But then I fell in, and my hair turned green. Cool, huh!
LightSoul: No, it's stupid! With a broom!? What kind of idiot...
Aguro: My mother didn't raise no fools.
LightSoul: She probably abandoned you, then.
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