The Hero
He's the hero of the story...but he's not the main character.
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At a young age, the hero befriended a mysterious girl called Lufia. The two would play together all the time, and grow up with each other as a best friend. When the hero learns about some trouble in the next town, he excitedly leaves town without Lufia. This makes Lufia mad and she then follows him on his journey. I am Lufia's hero! Hear me roar, baby! Rrr.
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Healing
Personal Opinion: The hero isn't as good a fighter as Aguro, but since he can use magic, he is probably the most valuable member of the team.
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LightSoul: Hey, man! You have red hair! I guess you're a descendant of Kathy Griffen, then!
Descendant of Maxim! Maxim and Selan, okay!? They're heroes, okay!? Who is this Kathy Griffen you're talking about? Is she a heroine?
LightSoul: I'm not too sure...I'll have to check that one. Wait a minute...I'm looking it up.
What if she is, and I am related to her!? It'd be DA BOMB!
LightSoul: Oh, here it is. I found it in this issue of TV Guide. Have a look.
So she's a famous warrior on TV! I am so blessed!
LightSoul: What a weirdo. I'm outta here, weirdo.
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