An android from afar
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Demi is an android taken by Zio and rescued by Chaz's group. She then joins for a short while. Her master is Wren. She is a medical android, which means that she has powers to heal others.
You have the same name that actress...something Moore.
Weapon Guns
Best Weapon: ?

Personal Opinion: Demi is an average fighter with some healing capabilities. She is an android, and capable of healing herself by walking.
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LightSoul: Hey, Demi. What is this stupid place?
Demi: This 'stupid place' is the weather control station for all of Motavia, you ignorant dolt.
LightSoul: That's stupid. Is there anything to eat here? I only see a whole bunch of guns and stuff.
Demi: We cyborgs need no nutrients, therefore there is no edible substance here, and if there was, it wouldn't be for you!
LightSoul: That's dumb. What's this big red button that says 'Do Not Touch' do?
Demi: Stop! That's the 'Armageddon' button! If you press that then...
LightSoul: Too late!
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