Stupid gadgeteers. Why, I oughtta...
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Clemett is a gadgeteer who was trapped in some pyramid thing and was saved by Harv-5 and Xero. He's really dumb looking, but is good at making machines. He uses a gun. He sucks. Time to make up stats!

Race: Gadgeteer
Gender: Male
Age: 30+
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 180lbs
Intelligence: Above Average
Weapon: Gun
Special Ability: Gadgeteering
Weapon: Gun
Best Weapon: Psi Multicannon
Magic Specialty: None, dummy
Special: Smack with your gun!
Personal Opinion: Ya don't really have a choice, fool. He's a useless fighter, but his guns do come in handy sometimes. But only sometimes.
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LightSoul: Hey, Clemett. My watch is broken. I bite it when I'm nervous.
Clemett: Let me see that! Hey! This isn't a watch, it's a mousetrap! Ouch!
LightSoul: Heh heh. Idiot.
Clemett: That's it! I'm gonna shoot it off! Argh! I blew off my own arm!
LightSoul: The Shadow Madness version of Tim Taylor, everyone.
Clemett: Now I'll reattach this arm, and whoops! Help! I'm falling off a cliff!
LightSoul: Have a nice next life!
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