Hey, giant woman!
No quote available for Jirina right now...
Jirina is a member of the Org-Ta, a group fighting oppression in her world. She is the strongest of the Org-Ta and really hates to see her people in pain. Blah blah blah. I'm gonna make her stats up now.

Race: Org
Gender: Female
Age: 20+
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 200 lbs
Intelligence: Average
Weapon: Fists
Special Ability: Spell Casting
And to think I thought she was a babe.
Weapon: Fists
Best Weapon: Psi Martial Arts
Magic Specialty: Attack, Healing
Special: Throw daggers
Personal Opinion: Ya don't really have a choice, fool. She is the toughest fighter in the game. She can use magic, too.
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LightSoul: Hey, Jirina. Go back to the smurf village, wouldja!? Get out or I'll make gold from you, or something.
Jirina: I am Org-Ta, not smurf, dammit! Just for that, I'm going to take you to school!
LightSoul: N-NOOOOO!!!!
Jirina: Not literally! I mean let's fight!I'm gonna teach you a lesson!
LightSoul: N-NOOOOO!!!!
Jirina: Oh, forget it! I'll get Harv-5 to play with you.
LightSoul: N-NOOOOO!!!!
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