I bet you thought he was the last boss!
No quote available for Bowser right now...
Mario's long time enemy. Bowser's castle was taken over once the giant sword came and landed right on top of his castle. Since then, he and his men left and soon met up with Mario. Bowser reluctantly joined Mario in order to get his castle back. I am the man from your nightmares!
Weapons: Claws, Spiked Balls
Best Weapon: Drill Claw
Magic Specialty: Attack
Personal opinion: Bowser is the powerhouse of the group, (though he ends up weaker than Toadstool later!) and has some good attacking techniques.

Poison Gas
Bowser Crush
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LightSoul: Hey, Bowser! You aren't so tough!
Bowser: Oh yeah!? (GAME HINT! Press 'A' just as you strike to further your attack!)
LightSoul: Yeah! Go join the ninja turtles! Your specials suck!
Bowser: Oh yeah!? (GAME HINT! Press 'Y' just as directed and power up your special attack!)
LightSoul: That's it! I'm gonna kill you!
Bowser: Oh yeah!? (GAME HINT! Know when to run! Sometimes your enemies will totally whup your ass!)
LightSoul: Heh heh.
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