Do you believe that this guy believes that he's a frog!?
No quote availablefor Mallow right now...
Mario meets this guy on his travels. He takes him back to his home, a pond full of frogs. Mallow believes that he is a frog, but nobody believes it since he looks nothing like one.
This guy has the worst character design I have ever seen. And why isn't he on Super Smas Bros!?
Weapons: Gloves, Sticks, Cymbals
Best Weapon: Sonic Cymbal
Magic Specialty: Healing, lightning
Personal opinion: Mallow has healing capabilities that make him good in the start, and has an ability that lets you see the enemy stats. In my team, he was later replaced by Toadstool.

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LightSoul: Hey, Mallow! I ain't 'fraid o' no ghost!
Mallow: What the heck're you talking about!?
LightSoul: You know...MARSHMALLOW MAN! Those ghostbusters blew you up good!
Mallow: I'm Mallow, a frog, you stupidhead! Not a marshmallow!
LightSoul: What's your name!? MALLOW! NOT FROG! GET A CLUE!
Mallow: Hey, my name IS Mallow, isn't it!
LightSoul: ............I don't believe this.
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