Characters just keep getting dumber...
No quote available for Stinger right now...But there probably will be soon, so hold tight.
Native of the port town Port Lochane, Stinger had an argument with his hated stepfather. Stinger left Lochane the next day to leave his mother and stepfather behind, but as he was leaving, the town mysteriously erupted into flames. He rushed back into town to find very few survivors. He left Lochane to find out what happened to his town. Stinger is very arrogant and is as sharp with words as he is with his sword.

Stinger is a young man with dreams of adventure and the sea. He's a natural swordsman and adept at picking locks. When the enemy wipes out his hometown, he is forced to make his own way in the world.

Race: Arkosian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs
Intelligence: Average
Weapon: Sword
Special Ability: Lockpicking
Puh-lease, pirate boy.
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: Foesbane sword...I think...
Magic Specialty: None, dummy
Special: Throw daggers
Personal Opinion: Ya don't really have a choice, fool. Well, he's not the best fighter in Shadow Madness. He's not the best magic user. I'd say Stinger is the most well rounded character.
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LightSoul: Hey, Stinger. Won't you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street!?
Stinger: What the hell are you talking about!?
LightSoul: Damon Hokum said your real name was Grover. What a wuss cake.
Stinger: That's it! Let's fight! I will hover like a butterfly and sting like a Stinger!
LightSoul: Or eat cookies like a cookie monster.
Stinger: Mirror Slice! Omnislash! Swords Dance! Lion Heart! Vahn's Craze! Illusion! Sakura Attack! Who am I kidding!? I can't use any special attacks!!! Boo hoo...twitch, twitch.
LightSoul: So what name do you go by? Stinker, right?
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