Characters just keep getting dumber...
No quote available for Windleaf right now...But there probably will be soon, so hold tight.
From the town of Enclaan, she was spared when her village was destroyed spontaneously. She went to Lochane for help only to find it also destroyed. There she met Stinger, and they joined each other. Windleaf is a master sorceress and uses the bow.

Windleaf is a talented young mystic with a curious nature. Raised in a secluded Sylvan village, her dream of exploring the world comes true one dark day as the enemy attacks her home. Bow in hand and spells ready, she begins her journey.

Race: Arkosian
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lbs
Intelligence: Above average
Weapon: Bow
Special Ability: Spell Casting
Zas Vid! I mean, keerg's teeth, I wish you were hot.
Weapon: Bow
Best Weapon: Omega Bow...I think...
Magic Specialty: Attack/Healing
Special: Hit stuff with your bow!
Personal Opinion: Ya don't really have a choice, fool. She's a good attacker and good magic user. So there.
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LightSoul: Hey, Windleaf. Howsabout you and me, whisper whisper whisper...
Windleaf: Stop whispering! I can't hear you!
LightSoul: I was just saying...Howsabout you and me go behind those bushes and whisper whisper...
Windleaf: How dare you! You know gambling is illegal in this state!
LightSoul: That's it! I will destroy Enclaan! That will show you not to oppose me!
Windleaf: Hel-lo!? Enclaan has already been destroyed, you idiot.
LightSoul: Huh!? When did that happen in the game!? I've got to stop letting my cat play for me.
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