Suikoden Characters
Characters who have a large impact on the story:
Barbarosa          Cleo          Flik          Gremio          The Hero          Humphrey          Kasumi          Kwanda      Leknaat          Lepant          Liukan          Mathiu          Milich          Pahn          Sanchez          Ted          Teo    Viktor          Windy

Characters who have a small impact on the story:
Aine Gide          Alen          Camille          Eileen          Fukien          Futch          Gen          Giovanni          Grenseal          Griffith          Hix          Joshua          Juppo          Kage          Kamandohl          Kanaan          Kasim          Kessler          Kimberly          Kirkis          Kraize          Krin          Kun To         Kuromimi          Ledon          Luc          Marie          Milia          Mose          Neclord          Ronnie Bell          Sonya          Stallion          Star Dragon Sword          Sydonia     Sylvina          Taggart          Tai Ho          Tengaar          Tesla          Valeria     Varkas          Viki          Vincent          Warren          Yam Koo          Yuber

Characters with little or no part in the story:
Anji          Antonio          Apple          Blackman          Chandler          Chapman          Clive          Crowley         Eikei          Esmerelda          Fu Su Lu          Fuma          Gaspar          Georges          Gon          Hellion          Hugo          Ivanov          Jabba          Jeane          Kai          Kanak          Kasios          Kirke          Kreutz          Leon          Leonardo          Lester          Lorelai          Lotte          Maas          Mace          Marco          Maximilian          Meese          Meg          Melodye          Mina          Moose          Morgan          Onil          Pesmerga          Qlon          Quincy          Rock          Rubi          Sancho          Sansuke          Sarah          Sergei          Sheena          Templeton          Window          Zen
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LightSoul sez:
Dammit. No stupid interviews for the characters of Suikoden, since there's so many! I really wanted to interview that young master McDohl, too. I bet he had a ton to say!

So, here's one below. It's my interview with Flik. Man, Flik is cool. Flik is so cool. Flik is so cool, he doesn't know the meaning of hot! No, that would just make him dumb. Sorry.
LightSoul: Hey, Flik. How's it going, buddy? Buddy ol' pal...come on. Talk to me here. Or else these non-existant readers will get bored.
Flik: Look. You grab me from my room, and pull my out into this dump just to TALK?! You're nuts, kid!
LightSoul: Me, nuts?! If you think that, you're the one who's nuts, fool!
Flik: When are you gonna let me outta here? Unlock the door already!
LightSoul: So what about that Frick off that mini-series Merlin, starring Sam Neill? He was a dork, and reminded me of Screech from Saved by the Bell.
Flik: What's a screech?
LightSoul: Lucky you.
Flik: That's it! Let me out or I'll kill you!
LightSoul: If you kill me, how're you gonna get out?
LightSoul: Exactly. Okay, here's the key. Thanks for the exciting interview, brudda. It was a blast. If I do say so myself. Thanks for your co-operation every step of the way. And thanks to Johnny's discount chloroform and Max's Electric Tape for the grabbing and binding, and of course, you! Goodnight, everybody!
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