Ark Ark is way too cool for MeiLin. There I said it. Uh-oh, my e-mail account is filling with flames from MeiLin fans!
"So this is my home town...Even if I have a grand home, with no-one to share, it's meaningless. Come to think, Elle outside lost her village, too. Lost her fellow villagers, and her parents were killed...That's why she said she lost her ability to speak. I can feel the pain she went through...I had no idea that having no place to go home to is so empty and lonely. I wonder what I've been fighting for. I was told by the Elder to resurrect the world so I went above ground. Yes, the world was resurrected...and civilisation developed. But that was all the Elder...Dark Gaia's plan...I can't help but feel I brought bad luck upon this planet..."
A youth from the town of Crysta one day joined his friends in finding out what was behind their Elder's secret locked door. Ark unwillingly unleashed Yomi, a strange creature, but also a curse that froze the townspeople. The Elder sent Ark on a mission to five towers to resurrect the world. Ark. Ark, Noah.
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LightSoul: Hey, Ark! I got these two worms. Where should I put them?
Ark: Put'em with the pair of fleas in my hair...and the elephants over there can...waitaminute I'm not THE ark! Cut it out!
LightSoul: You idiot. You could have scored with that dame, Fyda, but no, you had to go after Elle. Idiot.
Ark: Well, she's better looking than that damn Mei-Lin!
LightSoul: Come on! She was in your room! You could've had her, man! YOU COULD HAVE HAD HER!
Ark: If you want Fyda so badly, go for it,
LightSoul: Really!? Can I have that in writing!? It'll help in a few days when we're in court.
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