Romeo Guildenstern No bad Shakespeare jokes, please.
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Name: Romeo Guildenstern
Age: 34
Height: 179 cm
Association: Knights of the Cross
Leader of the �Crimson Blades�-Knights of the Cross, a military order under the direct control of the cardinal.
Although every bit a knight of elegance and breeding, Romeo can be utterly cold-blooded, never hesitating in the name of the justice for the kingdom.
He led the Knights of the Cross during the incident at Duke Bardorba�s manor and led the effort to suppress the riots that endues. Why the cardinal�s Knights of the Cross became involved, despite having received no orders to do so, remains a mystery.
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LightSoul: Hey, Romeo. What is this? Where am I? I know your name...but who are you?
Romeo: Hi, I'm Romeo Guildenstern, soap opera star and teen heartthrob of the smash hit game, Vagrant Story. No autographs, please.
LightSoul: That's okay. I wasn't planning on giving you one. But seriously. I think I've heard of your game...Isn't that the one about the story where people attack skunks with nice smelling perfume?
Romeo: No, no, no. You're thinking of Crapsoft's Fragrance Story. This is Vagrant Story.
LightSoul: OH!!! VAGRANT Story. The one I hate. You know I'd rather battle skunks with perfume than control that wimp, Ashley?
Romeo: I SOOOO should've been the star.
LightSoul: But then I wouldn't have played at all. It's my policy to never play a game that has a guy with a beard as a lead character. It's...disgusting.
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