Cecilia Adlehyde
Ooh, she's the game's babe. I liked her better with long hair and less colourful clothes, thanks.
No quote available for Cecilia right now...
Cecilia grew up in the Curan Abbey where she received her formal training in the art of magic. She possesses the mysterious momento of her mother, the tear drop, which has many magical powers. Cecilia is always ready to help Rudy and Jack, though Jack is always trying to persuade her to stay in someplace safe, while he knows she is an important asset to the team.

The Daughter of Duke Adlehyde. This flaxen-haired princess has the ability to communicate with the protectors of the world, the Guardians. She grew up in the Curan Abbey where she received training in magic. Her 17th birthday, which is the day she is due to return home, is fast approaching.
From the set of Doctor Quinn, medicine woman...
Weapon: Wands
Best Weapon: ?
In-battle special: Mystic, Guardian, High Guardian, Dual Cast
Area special: Tear drop, pocket watch, wand, vase
Spells: I can't list them right now.
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LightSoul: Hey, Jane Seymour! Can I have your autograph?
Cecilia: For the last freakin' time I'm not this Jane Seymour!!! And all I have are Crest Graphs, and they aren't automatic!
LightSoul: Oh, it's you again, Cecilia. Which show are you from again? Are you on that movie Wild Wild West?
Cecilia: No! However, I believe that that movie showed Will Smith in his most sparkling performance ever!
LightSoul: I think he performed better on the opening credits for the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Doctor Mike.
Cecilia: Oh for crying out loud!!! I'm going to the can now, and you, you maniac, you'd better not follow me!!!
LightSoul: No following. I'll just sneak in the window there.
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