Rudy Roughnight
Blue hair, doesn't say a word...remind you of anyone?
No quote available for Rudy right now...
Rudy is a young Dream Chaser who was exiled from the town of Surf because of his mysterious weapon, the ARM. When he was a young boy, Rudy was much stronger than any regular child, so he was feared and became alone, finding comfort only in the house of his grandfather, Zepet. He is one of the few people in the world who can synchronise with the ARMs, making him a forceful fighter.

An adventurer known as 'roaming bird' who wanders around all parts of the world, receiving rewards by solving problems. Though he still retains an innocent quality, he has the makings of a warrior. He possesses the ability to use the weapons of destruction excavated from the ruins known as ARMs. He currently lives in the frontier village of Surf. Age 15.
Hey look, it's Vahn, uh Ryu, uh...Rudy. Yeah.
Weapon: Sword
Best Weapon: ?
In-battle special: Lock on, Guardian, Protector, Fury Shot
Area special: Bombs, Radar, Skates, Power Punch
ARMs: I can't list them right now.
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LightSoul: Hey, Rudy! Can I try that ARM of yours?
Rudy: Okay,'s not my fault if you can't synchronise with the crazy thing!
LightSoul: Shut up! You sound like that fool Shinji Ikari when I asked to use Unit one! And now look! Tokyo-3 is demolished! Anyway...Hey, this thing is working!
Rudy: Impossible! Only I can use ARMs! Give that back! Hey!!! Don't shoot that kitty cat!
LightSoul: Dead on! Hey! That ARM bullet just bounced off and the cat ran away! What gives!!!? Wait, you haven't upgraded this water pistol at all!
Rudy: I tried to, but it kept breaking when they used those big tools on it. Now let me tell you about my life. I'm the daughter of Duke Adlehyde. I'm a flaxen-haired princess who has the ability to...wait, that's the wrong page. Wait...
LightSoul: Since when can YOU talk and read!?
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