The Choise

Today I saw episode
"The choise" when Kate returns to C.C after Geoff has told her that he loves her..
First I didn�t know that Geoff has told everything to Chris why Kate left.
But Chris said that Geoff had to be the one to meet Kate by the bus. And then Geoff tells her that It was she that wanted him out of her system. He says this to Chris.
Well I thought really sorry for him in this episode. First he goes to her house and tries to talk to her. And then Kate tells Penny if they can swich jobs. And when Penny tells this to Chris and Geoff. Geoff has his famous "Geoff look" when he hears this. And when he asks Kate for a second chance. She says he has already had have one. I understand Kate when she tells him that she wanted to hear from him that he wanted her to stay. But then I feel sorry for Geoff again when he asks her If it would matter if he said it to her now. And she says it dosen�t. But then I thought it was good of Geoff to tell Kate that if she didn�t want him as he is she can forget about it. ( I thinks he says that not sure) But I think Kate was to hard on him.
And Kate goes to the party. And you can see Geoffs look at her at the party.That he was abit sad.
Lucky he didn�t forget about her.. And that she still loved him. And hadn�t got him out of her system.
Love this episode!

My thoughts about episodes
Mick and Julia

Today its was the epiosde called Mick and Julia. Its about two old couples runnig away from
Julias daughter Prue..
Well this episode its not so much about Geoff and Kate. Only abit.
Chris has returned from C.C and Geoff and Kate wonders why. When Chris tells them why she has returnd. Kate dosen�t understand why they didn�t operate soo Geoff tells Kate why. Thats one bit with them. But I loved the last seconds of the show. Julia has just left C.C. Mick died after a maraton he organised.
Kate walks by Geoff fast.
And Geoff tells her that Chris will need her friends now. And Kate says that thats the only reason she is staying. And she is really sad when she says that. And Geoff stops walking. And he is sad to.
The End
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