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Army reservists serve Australia in exchange for:

  • tax free Army reserve income - start at $53.43/ 6 hours +
  • required clothing and equipment issued
  • interesting and exciting training on full pay
  • possible travel
  • skills and experience for your resume
  • you could learn to play the bag pipes or drums for free!!
  • $800 per week subsidy for employers (conditions apply)
  • extensive leadership and management training on full pay
  • extensive opportunities to lead and manage
  • opportunities for promotion

    Learn Leadership and Management
    There is a need for leadership and management at all levels in the army. As such, there are opportunities to learn leadership and management skills on-the-job as well as in structured courses that are widely recognised. Become a team builder and a hands-on leader.

    Contact Us or visit us
    Captain Lionel Boxer CD
    Officer Commanding
    Administration Company
    5th/6th Battalion, The Royal Victoria Regiment

  • RVR Pipes and Drums Association Inc
    Perpetuating the 5th Bn
    Victoria Scottish Regiment
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    What is a Sapper? This versaltile genius ... condensing the whole system of military engineering and all that is useful and practical under one red jacket. He is a man of all work of the Army and the public - astronomer, geologist, surveyor, draughtsman, artist, architect, traveller, explorer, antiquary, mechanic, diver, soldier, and sailor, ready to do anything or go anywhere: in short, he is a Sapper! (even play bagpipes)

    Extract from 'History of the Royal Sappers and Miners' by Captain TWC Connolly (1857)

    "Socially, reserve military training and involvement can provide educational opportunities to many who might not otherwise have them and the socializing advantages of young and mature men and women interacting across class and racial boundaries. A system of brief universal military training and longer voluntary national service, both military and non-military, would provide the manpower base for the citizen army; but, more important, it would help reawaken a sense of citizen responsibility, civic engagement, and youth empowerment. More than any other measure, it would reestablish the necessary balance between rights and duties in a democratic society." - Former US Senator Gary Hart in his 1998 book The Minuteman � Restoring an Army of the People

    "An enduring government by the people must include an army of the people among its institutions." - John McAuley Palmer, 1941

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