Order of St John
The OSJ exists as a non-sectarian and ecumenical Christian Order of chivalry and follows on from the traditions of the Knights Hospitallers, that were established during the Crusades. As such, contributions are made to a variety of charities by the OSJ and other groups, who carry on the tradition of the Knights Hospitallers.

Chivalry in the Traditional Sense
Whilst the men and women who are members are all proud of the accolade that has been bestowed upon them, our Order views chivalry in the traditional sense. That is, being a member of an order of chivalry is an opportunity to serve. Following on from that knighthood is not so much an honour, as much as it is an obligation to serve.

Chivalry in General
Orders of chivalry exist for the benefit of humanity. In fact, it has been pointed out that society would benefit from wider practice of chivalry. Whilst some people are critical about an order of chivalry's right to exist, I direct them to this article.

This is an unofficial website and does not represent the Order
Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem - Knights Hospitaller
Chartered by King Peter (II) of Yugoslavia
Grand Master: HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karageorgevitch
Grand Prior of Southern Australia: H.E. Bailiff Victor J Techritz AM GCSJ
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