Thank you for visiting my Order of St John - Knights Hospitallers site.

This site is provided to introduce the Order of St John (OSJ) and as an explanation of what the Order is about. It is not a publication of an organisation and, from time to time, there may be issues which other people may interpret differently. Official OSJ - NSW Priory site.

Not a Cult
The emergence of various cults obliges us to stress that our group is not a cult of any sort. We assemble of our own free will and accord, with honourable intentions. Cost to be a member is minimal and members are not required to make any changes to their lives before or after they join. No challenge is made to those who want to resign.

Peace and Forgiveness
If we learn anything from history, we must forgive.

Upcoming Events
The next function will be the Christmas dinner, where gifts will be collected for children of prisoners. Details TBC.

This is an unofficial website and does not represent the Order
Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem - Knights Hospitaller
Chartered by King Peter (II) of Yugoslavia
Grand Master: HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karageorgevitch
Grand Prior of Southern Australia: H.E. Bailiff Victor J Techritz AM GCSJ
Vale: HE Bailiff Robert Halliday OAM GCSJ
born 2 Jan 1914 died 27 May 2001.
Funeral held at St Pauls Cathedral - Melbourne, on 4 June 2001.
Bob died following over a decade of dealing with a variety of cancers and other troubles. His leadership consolidated the Order in many ways, leaving a strong organisation worldwide. In addition to the senior position in Australia, globally Bob held the position third in line to the Grand Master.

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