join us

Want to be part of our band?

We need pipers and drummers
There is a requirement for those interested to join the army reserves and complete a recruit course and then initial employment training as a rifleman, driver, cook, clerk, medic or storeman. You will receive tax free payment up to 70 days per year and your employer will receive a subsidy for training activities over two weeks.

We will teach you to play
There is an opportunity for those interested in learning to play bag pipes or drums. You do not need to currently know how to play an instrument, but you do need musical ability.

Australian Army Website
See details about joining the Army Reserve or Regular Army as a piper or drummer. First step is to telephone 131901 and get on the recruiting database.

Join in and follow us ...

... at:

202 Burwood Rd
Capt Lionel Boxer

RVR Pipes and Drums Association Inc
Perpetuating the 5th Bn
Victoria Scottish Regiment
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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