For disclaimer and such, see part one.

I would like to say "Thank You" to everyone who has given me feedback on this story, and to apologize for taking so long on the conclusion. Hope that it doesn't disappoint anyone.

Note: "SPOILERS" for the last two weeks of Raw.


Rob's eyes slowly fluttered open. His mouth was dry and parched and his tongue flicked out in a desperate attempt to moisten his even drier lips. It was then that he realized that he wasn't alone in the huge oversized bed. It was at that exact same moment that he realized in horror that his head was resting on a very muscular chest and attached to that chest was one huge, muscular body. As his eyes studied the thick, ripping muscle mass, he realized just who he was in bed with.

He felt his breath catch in his throat as he remembered Paul and the damn needle. He remembered the all too familiar burn as the liquid surged through his veins.

"No!" Rob gasped as he jerked away from the slumbering giant, trembling with a fear that he hadn't felt in so long.

Rob's movements awoke Brock. He yawned and stared at the wide-eyed and scared man. He watched as Rob rubbed the arm that Paul had injected last night and a pang of regret hit him hard. He hadn't wanted to use drugs to get Rob, but Paul had insisted that it was the only way.

"You drugged me," Rob accused with a slight pout.

"Paul did, but I swear I didn't do anything to you. I kept Paul outside all night. He thinks that we...."

Rob frowns as he sees an almost remorseful expression on Brock's face, along with his blushing cheeks. "He thinks that we fucked," Rob states bluntly.

"Yeah," Brock whispered with his eyes lowered.

Rob ran his fingers through his tousled hair. "I can't believe that he'd try to get me addicted again."

"Again?" Brock asks confused.

Rob shakes his head as he issues a soft laugh. "It's a long story," he whispers sadly as he covers up his partially exposed thigh as he toys with the edge of the sheets.

"I've got plenty of time," Brock whispers as he pulls himself up in the bed, resting against the headboard next to Rob.

Rob smiles as he looks at the huge man beside of him. He'd been right about the "Next Big Thing." He was nothing like Paul tried to portray him.

"I use to be his prized possession in ECW. He got me addicted and sold me to other men as a party favor."

Brock frowned. He wasn't liking what Rob was telling him about his manager. Paul wouldn't do that.....would he? Sure, he wasn't stupid as everyone thought. He knew that Paul was using him to get to the top of the WWE food chain, but it was just business. Right?

Rob looked up at him. "You don't believe me, do you?"

Brock remained silent for a moment. Right now, he wasn't sure who to believe. "Why didn't you leave him?"

Rob laughed again, but this time it sounded more like a sob. "By the time that I realized what he was doing, I was addicted. I tried to leave him, but I needed the drugs. Without a job, how was I going to afford them?"

"But you eventually did leave him?"

"Yeah. It was right after I woke up in the hospital. I had been gang raped and beaten by some of Paul's investors. He didn't even try to stop them, just took me to the doors of the ER and dropped me off like a piece of garbage when they were through with me. He blamed my absence to an injury."

Brock frowned as he listened. "I didn't know," he whispered softly as he reached out and caressed Rob's face.

Rob flinched at the tender touch. He wasn't accustomed to any man being kind or gentle to him. If they did, they always had an alterative motive. They always wanted something from him....mainly sex. "Do you mind if I shower?" Rob asked, as he clawed at his skin. God, he hated this feeling. It felt like something was crawling under his skin.

"Sure," Brock whispered as he watched Rob scamper off the bed and into the bathroom. He silently admired the jiggle of Rob's perfectly round ass as it disappeared into the bathroom. That ass could've been his. All he had to do was .....take it.

He watched as the door slowly slid shut and the faint click of the lock echoed in the small room. Rob didn't trust him. He didn't know why that bothered him so, but it did. He had helped Paul kidnap and drug him. Why would Rob trust him?

Sighing, he slid out of bed and pulled his clothes on. He paused and wrote a short note to Rob before exiting to wake Paul, who he knew was going to be pissed. No matter how desperate he was to get laid, he'd never resort to rape.


After a long, hot shower, Rob opened the bathroom door slowly expecting to find Brock still sitting on the bed, but he was gone. The bed was a disaster. It looked like Brock had practically ripped the sheets off. On the bed in the middle of the crumbled sheets was his gym bag and a note. Rob stared at the note several minutes before finally picking it up.

~~~I'm so sorry. I didn't know.~~~

Rob crumpled up the note and threw it across the room. When had his life gotten so complicated?

He had wanted Brock from the first moment that he saw him, but he was with Paul which meant trouble for him. Now, Brock thought he was some pathetic and abused drug addict. Rob sighed as he fell onto the bed and proceeded to sob. He hated his life.


"BROCK?" Rob called out as he entered the locker room. He had realized why Brock had tousled up the sheets like that. He was trying to convince Paul that they had actually had sex. Brock had been trying to protect him.

He sighed when all he could find was William Regal and listened to him complain how uncivilized he was to barge into another's locker room.

"Don't even start with me. I had a bad day," Rob quickly retorted.

Of course, William ignored him and continued until Rob challenged him to a match.

If he couldn't have Brock at least he would have a chance to get rid of some of the aggression he was feeling toward Heyman.

Why was Brock not returning his phone calls?

Did he think that he was some cheap whore that needed his pity?

What had Heyman told him?


Brock smiled as he watched Rob defeat Regal. He had convinced Paul that Rob had been the "coolest" fuck that he'd ever had, but he really wasn't interested in the man. Paul was unconvinced. He wanted to kidnap Rob again and actually witness Rob getting fucked and maybe join in.

Brock shook his head. His manager really was a pervert.

After several arguments, Brock finally won. Brock would be the only one to touch Rob, but only the ring. No more kidnapping. No more drugs.

Paul motioned for him to follow and he obediently followed him out to the ramp as Rob called him out.

Brock couldn't help but smile faintly at the sound of Rob screaming his name. He wondered how he would sound as he screamed his name in bed. Is that what Rob wanted?

It had to be. He had called him over ten times today, and he had deleted the messages before Paul could see the callers name.

He had let Rob go without hurting him. Why was Rob trying to get him in trouble? If Paul found out.......

He shook his head, clearing it of all thoughts as he took up his usual position behind Paul. He'd let Paul do all the talking. Paul seemed to really enjoy that part.

Brock smiled inwardly as a match was made for Vengeance. Him and Rob. He liked that.

He liked that a lot.

His eyes met Rob's. Instead of hate, he saw genuine desire. He felt a tingle of desire surge through his body. He glanced down at his manager. How to get rid of him for the night?


Rob waited outside by his rental car. Had he been wrong about the look Brock was giving him?

Did he want him as much as he wanted him?

Rob watched quietly as Paul exited the arena with the new guy, John Cena. Paul was so busy trying to pick the guy up that he didn't even notice him.

"Here, try this," Paul whispered as he handed him a few pills.

"Whoa. What are these?" John asked.

"Candy," Paul whispered as he leaned in close to the young man.

"I'm not sure....."

"Take it," Paul hissed, showing his true nature. "You do want to be a superstar, right?"

John nodded fearfully.

"Well, I have connections. Now do as I say and take them."

John Cena tensed as he popped the pills into his mouth.

"Poor bastard," Rob whispered under his breath.

"Don't worry about him," Brock whispered as he snuck up behind Rob, wrapping his arms around his waist.

Rob jumped in surprise, but didn't resist as he was pulled back against the hard, muscular body. His eyes remained glued to John and Paul. "I need to stop him. John could get hurt."

"Don't worry. I called 'Taker and told him that Paul was making a move on his new bitch. He's waiting for them at the hotel," Brock said with a slight smirk.

Rob turned and looked at the other man in disbelief. "You set Paul up?"

"He's my manager, but it doesn't mean that I have to like him," Brock whispered as he lowered his eyes.

Rob smiled as he looked back over and watched Paul usher John into his truck. "'Taker will probably kill Paul."

"But John won't be hurt. 'Taker will see to that. He's a bad ass, but he's not a rapist."

Rob smiled again. "Neither are you."

"When I do make love to you, I want it to be special," Brock whispered, his cheeks reddening.

"So," Rob whispered, "your place or mine?"

Brock's head snapped up. "You want to......with me?"

Rob smiled as he rubbed up against the much larger man, his fingers gently brushing over the obvious bulge in Brock's jeans. "Let's see if you really are the "Next Big Thing."

Brock gasped, but then growled as he wrapped his arms around Rob, pulling him even closer as he bent down and claimed his lips in a dominating, rough kiss. When he pulled back, Rob was breathless and had a dazed expression on his face.

"Wow," Rob gasped.

"You're my first," Brock whispered.

"What?" Rob asked in shock.

Brock sighed. He wasn't exactly proud of his sexual conquests. Sure he had his share of women, but guys were different. "I've slept with a lot of women, but you'll be the first guy that I've been with."

Rob was speechless. All he could do was reach up and caress Brock's face. "I promise to be gentle."

Brock lifted an eyebrow at him for a moment and then burst into laughter. Rob grinned and then followed him, laughing so hard that his stomach hurt.


Rob moaned in pleasure as he squirmed under Brock's huge body. How they had gotten here was almost a blur. One moment they were in the arena parking lot and the next they were shoving his hotel door open as they ripped each others clothes off.

Rob moaned louder as Brock's tongue flicked out and traced along the taunt curve of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. He tried to move, but Brock's huge hands had his wrists pinned at his sides.

"You taste good," Brock growled.

"Ummm....good enough to eat?" Rob asked hopefully.

Brock chuckled. "Don't worry. I want to taste and lick every inch of you."

"Please.......," Rob moaned as he arched his back up, trying to rub against the larger man. "Could you move a little faster?"

"Patience," Brock whispered.

"Fuck patience! I want you to fuck me!" Rob hissed through clinched teeth.

Brock merely grinned as he leaned down and popped one of Rob's hard nipples into his mouth, sucking and gently biting it.

"Brock!" Rob growled as he struggled harder to get his wrists free.

Brock's grin widened as he realized how desperate Rob really was. He wanted to tease Rob more, but he knew that neither of them could stand it much longer.

Rob gasped as Brock suddenly rolled off the top of him. A slight whimper escaped his throat as his body missed the warmth of the other man. He looked up at Brock, and a smile slid across his face.

Brock grinned as his hand casually stroked his huge cock, coating it with the lube from the night stand. "Wanna ride the next big thing?" Brock asked, his voice deep and husky with lust.

"I'm game. After all, I'm R-V-D," Rob teased as he climbed eagerly into Brock's lap.

Brock grinned as he pulled Rob to him, crushing his lips against Rob's. He savored the taste of his lover as his hands slid down Rob's sides and around behind him, cupping and squeezing that perfectly shaped ass. "You're so perfect," Brock whispered.

Rob moaned in Brock's mouth as he grinded his cock against Brock's muscular abdomen. "Want you.....need you," he gasped.

Brock growled as he slid a slick finger into Rob's tight passage, stopping and immediately removing it when his smaller lover gasped. "Did I hurt you?" Brock whispered fearfully.

"It's ok. It's just been awhile. Keep doing what you're doing and I'll be fine," Rob encouraged, amazed that he had actually formed more than one sentence with one breath of air.

Brock nodded as he slipped the finger back in, forcing it back through the tight ring of muscle once more.

Rob moaned as his hips bucked. "Damn....even your fingers are huge."

Brock blushed as he leaned forward and latched onto the side of Rob's neck, sucking feverishly until he marked his lover. He then proceeded to place soft kisses around the bruised area as he added another finger.

Rob's body arched up as the second digit invaded him, causing Brock to frown in concern. But once Brock saw the lust in his lovers eyes, he knew that there was no turning back. Both of them had fires that needed extinguishing.

"Now....," Rob gasped.

Brock grinned as he felt Rob's own hardened shaft rubbing against his abdomen leaving behind a thin trail of precum. He gripped his cock as he positioned it at Rob's tight entrance, barely pushing inside.

"Are you sure?" Brock asked, his breathing becoming ragged and labored.

"Never been more sure of anything in my life," Rob gasped as he pushed back and down on Brock's cock, completely impaling himself on it.

"ROB!" Brock cried out as Rob's tightness and warmth engulfed him.

"Brock....," Rob gasped, he was at a lost for words as the most powerful orgasm of his life ripped throughout his body, causing him to tremble and jerk as he came, spraying Brock's quivering abdomen with his seed.

Brock felt Rob's body rock against his and he also came almost immediately, spraying his lovers insides with his warm semen, marking his territory as he held his trembling lover tightly and protectively against him.

For several minutes, they clung together. Neither wanting to move and break the mood.

Rob rubbed his face against Brock's smooth muscular chest. Enjoying the moment. Enjoying the feel of Brock's now softening cock that was still buried inside of him. Enjoying the feel of Brock's semen as it slowly flowed from him.

Brock smiled as he held his small lover, enjoying the rich musky scent of their lovemaking. He gently caressed Rob's back all the way down to his tail bone, enjoying the shiver that Rob gave him as he repeated the motion over and over again. He felt his cock softening, but was reluctant to pull out of his lover.

"We better separate, or it's going to hurt when it dries," Rob finally whispers.

"Are you alright?" Brock whispers as he gently lifts Rob up and lays him beside of him.

"Couldn't be better," Rob whispers as he yawns and snuggles up beside of Brock, who wraps a protective arm around him and kisses him on the forehead.

Brock smiled as he laid there staring at the ceiling as his lover fell into a contented sleep. Sleep was not on his itinerary tonight. He had to come up with a plan to keep his small lover without Paul finding out.
Rob smiled as he watched Paul and Brock enter the arena. It had been a week since Brock and he slept with each other and he desperately wanted to spend the night with his big lover again.

Brock's eyes met his and he winked.

Brock smiled and nodded.

Paul was still pissed that 'Taker had caught him trying to get John Cena into his hotel room. He still had a limp from the beating 'Taker gave him.

Rob smiled as he listened in on Paul's conversation with Brock.

"After we go out to the ring, you are free to go back to your room. I have a little date with that new girl, what's her name......Jackie. She promised me a nice....long.....wet massage," Paul smirked as he licked the drool from the corners of his mouth.

"I thought you liked guys?" Brock asked with a hint of disgust.

"Gotta take it where I can get it. Did you know 'Taker is already banging that new guy, John Cena? Damn for a dead man, he sure works fast," Paul growled.

"John doesn't seem to be complaining," Brock smirked as 'Taker and John entered the arena. 'Taker had his hand resting on the younger man's shoulder to show his ownership. John also seemed to be walking gingerly which would suggest that he had been ridden hard last the last couple of nights. 'Teach him to take candy from strangers,' Brock thought amused.

Rob smirked. He wondered if Paul knew how devious and incredibly sweet his "next big thing" really was?

He watched as they made their way out to the ring. He listened as Paul bragged about having created RVD, Tommy Dreamer, and a few others. Rob suddenly felt nauseous.

He was glad when Tommy came out and put down Paul. But Rob frowned as he watched Tommy beat his big lover down with that stick. He started making his way to ring. He had to stop Tommy.

Once he got to the ring, Brock had already taken care of Tommy and was on his feet again. Brock frowned when he saw him.

"Follow my lead and sell it," Rob whispered as he kicked Brock, but not hard enough to hurt.

Brock smiled as he sold each of Rob's moves, falling out of the ring allowing Rob free access to Paul.

Rob grinned as he climbed the rope and slammed the chair directly into Paul's face, enjoying the sickening thud.

He knew that Paul wouldn't be bothering the young, naive Jackie tonight. He'd be at the ER for several hours with a concussion and he'd be with Brock in his bed.

Brock hid the grin as he pulled his semi-conscious manager out of the ring and threw him across his shoulder. Once he was sure that the camera was focused in on Rob instead of him, he gave Rob a casual wink between glares.


Rob cursed to himself as the Dudley's left. He couldn't turn them down....could he?

He just hoped that Brock understood.

The match against the NWO, Benoit, and Eddie was intense and Shawn Michaels kept interfering. Rob got fed up and went after Shawn, who ran like a scalded dog up the ramp.

Rob smiled as he saw his huge lover coming after him, probably Paul's doing.

"Sell it," Brock whispered as he glanced nervously to the ramp where Shawn Michaels was running down.

Rob smiled as he sold each of Brock's move with ease.

"You alright?" Brock whispered as he started to get up.

"Yeah, see you in five," Rob whispered back.

Brock grinned as he exited. He had come to the WWE looking for work and respect, but instead he had found love. He be damned if anything came between him and Rob......not the NWO.....not the WWE.....not even a manager.

Don't know. I somehow developed a Brock muse, and
he's even more stubborn than the 'Taker muse. *pouts*
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