     Garden of Eden -4/? (*slash*)
     For disclaimer and such, see part one.

     Thanks for your support!


     Chapter 4

     Chris moaned as his eyes slowly fluttered open. The first thing that he realized was that his wrists
     were free and that he was no longer hanging suspended from the ceiling of the dungeon.

     He practically cooed as he nuzzled his face against the soft, fluffy pillow. And warm, it felt so good
     to be warm again. He couldn't believe that a bed could feel this damn good. As he moved to roll
     over, he yelped as the covers of the bed tightened against his right hip. His hand wandered to the
     sore spot and was surprised at the square bandage that covered a small area of his skin. His eyes
     flew open as he realized that he had been marked by the maniac named Undertaker.

     "'Taker said the bandage could come off today," Hunter whispered as he crawled under the
     covers with Chris.

     Chris jumped in surprise and tried to scoot away from his naked kidnapper, but Hunter's arm
     snaked out around his waist holding him firmly in place. "Where do you think you're going, little
     flower?" Hunter asked with a smirk.

     Chris swallowed hard, but remained silent. He silently pleaded with Hunter using only his sad
     blue eyes. It had worked on numerous occasions and he was praying to everything holy that it
     would work this time.

     Hunter chuckled. "Those baby blues can't get you out of this place darling."

     Chris tried to pull away, but found Hunter's grip to be unbreakable. He wanted to scream and
     demand his freedom, but he knew that would be a huge mistake. He didn't want to visit that
     dungeon again. Instead, Chris cringed as Hunter's fingers caressed along his torso, gasping as they
     stopped to play with the golden rings on his nipples.

     Chris whimpered as Hunter gently tugged on the rings, enjoying the clinking of the letters as they
     rubbed together.

     "'Taker was right. They look beautiful on you. How do they feel?" Hunter asked with a slight
     smirk, already knowing the answer judging by the way Chris was squirming under his touch.

     Chris gripped the sheets until his knuckles turned white. Along with the pain, there was pleasure.
     He prayed for death, but death was ignoring him, enjoying the torture and hell that he was being
     put through by the masters of Eden.

     Hunter's smirk changed to a predatory grin as he moved on top of Chris, forcing Chris' legs apart
     with his knees and proceeding to lay on top of him. His thick, long cock rubbed against Chris' long
     and slender one, eliciting a whimper from Chris as the heat of their bodies together was becoming
     a delightful friction.

     Hunter's hand caressed across the bandage and Chris whimpered, the images of those tattoo
     needles were permanently etched in his mind. He had screamed as Mark marked him. Screamed
     until he had passed out.

     "You belong to me now, Chris. You will submit to me," Hunter growled as he leaned down and
     crushed his lips against Chris'.

     Chris moaned as Hunter thrust his tongue inside of his mouth, swirling it around his tongue. His
     legs spread wider.

     "Starting without me?" A female voice asked from the foot of the bed.

     Chris jumped, but Hunter merely turned his head and looked at the pouting female.

     "Stephanie," Hunter said sporting an obvious fake smile. "I was just getting him warmed up."

     "Really?" She asked skeptically as she placed her hands on her round, meaty hips as she pushed
     out her oversized breasts.

     "Ok, he was too tempting. I'm sorry, precious," Hunter said as he crawled off the top of Chris and
     to her.

     Chris shivered at the coldness of the room. Was it the room or the woman that had just entered

     She smiled as her hands wrapped around Hunter's neck pulling him closer. "You're so impatient,"
     she whispered with a lifted eyebrow as she leaned up to kiss him. Hunter chuckled as he returned
     the kiss.

     Chris looked at the door to the bedroom which Stephanie had just entered through. It was open.

     "Don't even think about it," Hunter growled as he crawled back onto the bed, along with

     Chris gulped hard as both sets of hands started caressing and exploring his body. Stephanie was
     extremely turned on by the rings on his nipples. "Who thought of this?" She asked amused.

     "'Taker," Hunter replied. "You like?"

     "Oh yes, I like them a lot. What about Chris? Does he like them?" Stephanie asked as she gently
     tugged at one.

     Chris whimpered and moved closer to Hunter. Something about Stephanie scared him. He knew
     where he stood with Hunter. Hunter was the master and he was the slave, but Stephanie was a

     She wanted more. What was her game? What did she have in store for him. If he was a gambler,
     he would guess a whole lot of pain was in store for him.

     "Take the bandage off," Stephanie said giggling, her face beaming with excitement.

     Hunter grinned as he roughly flipped Chris before he could protest. Chris whimpered and
     squirmed, but a hard slap on his other hip quickly stopped any further protest.

     Hunter peeled the bandage away and revealed the tattoo. Stephanie licked her lips as he looked at
     the letters G and E which were separated by a tree with a snake wrapped around it. A man and
     woman stood on opposite sides of the tree and at their feet were beautiful small flowers.

     "'Taker does such amazing work," Stephanie said as she reached out and traced along the tattoo.

     Chris jerked at the contact, but Hunter grabbed a handful of his long hair holding him still.

     "Flip him back over Hunter," Stephanie ordered, smiling as she watched her husband easily flip
     the smaller blond.

     Chris yelped as the sensitive flesh of the tattoo rubbed against the sheets. His hips bucked and he
     almost tossed Hunter off the top of him.

     Hunter growled as he slapped Chris. "Lay still."

     Chris whimpered as he rubbed his stinging cheek. He shut his eyes to avoid looking at them.

     Another slap to the face, but this time it was Stephanie doing the slapping. "Open your eyes!"

     Hunter chuckled. "I wouldn't piss her off if I was you."

     Chris whimpered as Stephanie got astraddle of him. She leaned down and rubbed her voluptuous
     breasts against him. "Do you like my breasts?" Stephanie asked as she cupped them proudly.

     Chris looked to Hunter who smirked.

     "Do you like my breasts?" Stephanie asked again.

     "Yes," Chris whispered.

     "Yes, what?" Stephanie growled.

     "Yes.....Mistress," Chris whispered, praying that it was the right response.

     "Ooooh, he is a fast learner, Hunter," Stephanie said grinning in appreciation.

     "Why don't we see what else he can learn fast," Hunter said grinning as he stroked his dripping
     cock. His patience was wearing thin. He wanted Chris and now.

     Stephanie giggled as her fingers slipped inside of herself, moaning in anticipation. "Let's fuck him
     together," Stephanie growled.

     "Yes, precious," Hunter said as he winked at Chris. "We'll fuck him together."

     Chris shivered as they both descended upon him.

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