Title: Rusted World of Pretend (03/??)
Rating: M
Summary: Stephanie disappears after that disastrous 11 Feb 02 RAW and returns ten months later...and she�s not alone.
Type of fic: Story
Author�s notes: Okay, this idea ultimately came from my father when he basically said to me (regarding the events at the end of 11 February 2002 RAW), �They should put Steph out to pasture for nine months, and bring her back with Hunter�s baby�. Well, that, and my muses just wanted some Hunter-torture. Italicised paragraphs are flashbacks. (They might not show up in the posts, so I�ll let you guys know when it�s a flashback part, or if there�s a flashback part.)
Part Three A welcoming smile lit up Stephanie�s face as she stood and waited for him, Cassidy cradled in her arms.
He had missed her terribly during the past week, and he hurried towards her. Dropping his bags, he threw his arms around mother and daughter, careful as not to squash Cassidy. He drew Stephanie�s face in for a deep kiss before pulling away. He leaned down and gently smoothed back Cassidy�s dark blonde hair from her sleeping face.
�I�ve missed you,� Stephanie murmured, looking up at him with bright eyes.
He looked back at her. �I missed you, too. You and Cassidy.�
�Come on, let�s get out of here,� she said, taking a step back from him. �I don�t think this disguise is going to fool too many people.�
He laughed as he took in her platinum blonde wig and heavily made up face. �Do you know what you look like?�
�Don�t even start,� she warned, but a smile curved the corners of her mouth.
He bent down and picked up his bags. �Lead the way, you street courtesan of the twenty-first century.�
�Shawn, bite me,� Stephanie shot back.
Shawn Michaels grinned at her. �I love you too, baby.�
�This isn�t really going to go anywhere, is it?� Stephanie hated the almost begging tone in her voice.
Shawn shook his head slowly. �I just don�t think either of us is ready for the kind of commitment this relationship needs to last.�
�You have your entire career in front of you,� she said simply, knowing that it was the major reason for what was happening to them.
�Yes, and you have your entire future in front of you. I mean, you�re still in school.� He sighed. �Not only that, but your parents, yes, even your mother, won�t ever approve of us.�
�I don�t care,� Stephanie stubbornly said. But deep down she knew that he was right.
He smiled at her, cupping her chin. �Yeah, you do. You love your parents, and you would never do anything to disappoint them. Come on, where�s that gorgeous smile of yours?�
She smiled for him. �I�m going to miss you.�
�I�m going to miss you, too.� Shawn shrugged lightly. �If things were different��
�But they�re not.�
�Think of it this way, if I�d gone to college, I would never have met you.�
Stephanie felt her heart lighten. She did have her future ahead of her, and she knew that sooner or later she would eventually connect with him again. �We�re friends?�
�You better believe it.�
She laughed. �This may be your first year, Shawn, but I know you�re going to have plenty more with the company.�
Shawn leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. �Count on it.�
(end flashback)
�Hey! Come on in!� Stephanie invited, opening the door wide open for Torrie and Tajiri, who each gave her a hug as they walked inside.
�We�re not too early, are we?� Torrie asked as Tajiri helped her out of her coat.
�Yeah, you know how Torrie drives,� Tajiri said as he shrugged out of his own jacket. �Even with all this snow.�
Stephanie grinned. �Boy, do I ever.�
�What? I just happen to live life in the fast lane,� Torrie said defensively. �Anyway, where�s the little darling?�
�He�s in the living room with Cassie,� Stephanie grinned.
�I meant-�
�I know whom you meant,� she interrupted, laughing. �Just go on in. I�ve got a couple more things to do in the kitchen.�
�You need any help?� Tajiri asked, looking interested. He was a brilliant and extremely enthusiastic cook.
�Thanks, but I think everything�s going pretty well. However, if something doesn�t work out, I�m blaming the recipes you wrote out for me,� Stephanie teased. Unfortunately, he had terrible penmanship.
�Come on, Torrie, I know when we�re not wanted,� Tajiri said in mock hurt, lifting his head proudly as he led his fianc� towards the living room.
With a shake of her head, Stephanie headed in the opposite direction towards the kitchen, but only took a couple of steps before the doorbell stopped her. With a small sigh, she turned and went to open the front door.
�Hey, Stephy!� Spike greeted enthusiastically.
She grinned. �Hey, Spikey. Come on in.� She went to close the door, but was quickly blocked by someone.
�Hey, I saved your life last night and this is how you repay me?� Edge�s voice protested loudly.
Stephanie swung the door open again with a light laugh. �Sorry, Edge. Come in!�
The tall blonde ran inside, shaking snow out of his long hair. �I do not recommend running here!� he panted. �Not a good idea!� Edge had just bought himself an apartment a few blocks from her house, which came in handy whenever she needed a babysitter.
�He�s got the looks, but unfortunately not the brains,� Spike commented with a grin. �How sad. Sorry to be the one to tell you, man, but that hair and that grin ain�t gonna take you far in this world.�
Stephanie laughed, which earned her a glare from Edge. She was in a fantastic mood and she wasn�t going to let anything spoil the perfect night she had planned.
The two empty spaces were glaringly obvious once all the guests had sat down at the large dining table. The setting was simple yet beautiful, and everyone was surprised at Stephanie�s domesticity. The aromas drifting from the kitchen were mouth-watering. Motherhood had noticeably mellowed the once proud and fiery woman they had all known.
Edge looked at them, raising an eyebrow. �Are we entertaining a couple of ghosts tonight? Or are we in for a surprise?�
�Actually, Shawn invited them, but he won�t tell me who they are,� Stephanie explained.
Shawn smiled innocently at her. He had a feeling Stephanie suspected who the couple were, but he had still refused to reveal any names. �A couple of friends of mine, that�s all.�
�Do we know them?� Torrie asked, frowning.
Shawn�s grin widened. �Actually, you do.�
�I don�t think I like that lo-� Spike was interrupted by the doorbell chimes.
�I�ll get that!� Shawn offered quickly, jumping up. He glanced at Stephanie�s worried face. �Don�t worry, sweetie, they won�t bite.�
But he quickly left before she could finish the sentence. However, a small flutter of apprehension started in the bottom of his stomach. He wasn�t too sure how everyone was going to react to the couple�s arrival, or how the couple was going to react to everyone. Especially to Stephanie.
Shawn opened the front door, a big smile on his face as he greeted his friends. �Hey, Steve! Debra!�
Steve Austin, his usual gruff self momentarily gone, grinned back at him. The two men hugged. �Shawn, quite a pad you got yourself here!�
�This is certainly a beautiful house,� Debra agreed as Shawn kissed her on the cheek. �Who�s is it?�
�You�ll see,� he told them mysteriously. He took their coats and put them away. �Come on, everyone�s waiting for you guys.�
�Everyone?� That was Debra, sounding unsure. �You didn�t say anything about anybody else.�
Five expectant faces were looking at him as he walked back into the dining room, and he noticed that Stephanie had Cassidy on her lap. With a wide grin, he stepped aside to uncover the two mystery guests.
Everyone�s mouth dropped in synchronisation, including Steve and Debra, and Shawn found it difficult to keep from laughing. Fortunately, nobody in the room was currently feuding with Steve. It made things a little easier.
�Hello, Austin and Debra,� Tajiri finally greeted, breaking the silence.
�Stephanie?� Debra squeaked.
After the expected awkward and uneasy moments at the start of dinner, conversation began to flow freely around the table, mostly with much thanks to Shawn. Debra had become a �clucky mother hen� - as Steve fondly referred to her - and was instantly taken with Cassidy. However, her husband had a slightly uncomfortable time sitting beside Edge, whom he barely knew, but was soon appeased by a few beers. The atmosphere was light, friendly. Nobody wanted to talk about unpleasantries, which was a huge relief.
Soon after dessert was served, and with Cassidy starting to drift to sleep in Edge�s arms, Shawn stood up. It was time.
Almost immediately, all faces turned towards him. He looked across the table at Stephanie, who smiled encouragingly at him.
�Oh, are there speeches?� Torrie asked in surprise.
�Just the one,� Shawn assured her, �and it�s not exactly a speech. It�s more of an announcement.� He walked around the table to stand beside Stephanie. �We invited you guys here for two, well, three reasons. One, Stephanie and I wanted to thank you guys, Torrie, Tajiri, Spike and Edge, for having been extremely supportive and loyal during the past ten months.�
Their friends smiled at the couple knowingly. All four of them had gone to great lengths to play Cupid, and although it had taken nearly nine months they finally succeeded. Neither Shawn nor Stephanie had the heart to tell them that they already shared a history together. A brief one, but a history nonetheless.
�Second, to Steve and Debra,� he continued. �You two have always been there for me, have been my closest friends though it sometimes doesn�t seem it. I wanted you guys to be here tonight.�
He turned to Stephanie with a smile, and gently nudged her to stand beside him. She rose from her chair and wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a little squeeze.
Shawn faced their friends. �And third, we wanted to share our news�Stephanie and I are getting married.�
end part three.
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