Part Three
29 November 2010
Stephanie noticed something sticking out from under Bryce�s mattress, and she pulled it out for a closer look. An envelope simply addressed to �Santa Clause, North Pole�. She frowned, thinking. She had already sent his Christmas list last week, and she wondered what more Bryce could want to necessitate a second letter. His first list had been close to three pages long.
Feeling slightly guilty for doing so, she opened the envelope and pulled out the one page letter, reading.
24 November 2010
Dear Santa
I hope you are having a good day today.
I have been really good this year. I played nice with all the kids�
By the time she finished, Stephanie felt her throat tighten with emotion. She had known that her separation from Dwayne was difficult on Bryce, but she had never realised how much it truly affected him. She had been wrong in not talking to her son about separation. She had been wrong in not even trying to convince Dwayne of staying. She had been so wrong about many things.
Stephanie felt her resolve grow. She had to fix things.
�Clare, I told you no interruptions!�
�I�m sorry, Mr Johnson, but it�s your wife.�
Dwayne narrowed his eyes, wondering what new put down Stephanie would throw at him over the phone. However, he felt slightly guilty over his thoughts. His weekend back home had been surprisingly�relaxing. And happy. Both of them had tried hard to keep the arguments to a minimum, and always away from Bryce. All one of them. �What does she want?�
�She says it�s very important. It�s about Bryce.�
Concern filled him. �Is he okay? What�s wrong?�
�I don�t know, sir. Shall I put her through?�
�Yes. Thanks, Clare.�
He didn�t have to wait long. �Dwayne?�
�What�s going on? Is Bryce okay? Is he hurt? What happened?�
�Calm down, Bryce is fine. He�s in school.�
Relief flooded him, quickly followed by anger. �Then what the hell was all that crap-� Dwayne stopped abruptly and took a deep breathe. �Sorry, I jumped to conclusions.�
�It�s okay, I just�I wanted to talk to you about a letter I found in his room,� Stephanie said, her voice soft.
He was surprised that she hadn�t insulted him on his rashness. �What letter?�
�I really can�t�can we meet for lunch or something?�
Dwayne said nothing, stunned. Lunch?
�Yeah, I�m here.�
�I think that this is really important. I�ll try not to take up too much of your time.�
�I don�t know, Steph. I have a really full day today.�
�Please, Dwayne. I promise, no fighting. This isn�t about us anymore, it�s about our son.�
Dwayne closed his eyes and sat back, thinking. Stephanie sounded serious. �Alright.�
�Thank you.�
�How about we meet at Madison�s around one this afternoon?�
�I�ll see you there. Bye, Dwayne.� She hung up without waiting for a reply.
Dwayne buzzed his secretary. �Clare, cancel my lunch with Tamika Jacobs at one.�
�But, this is a very important-�
�Just please do it.�
end part three.
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