A Fresh Start
I found a place where I can't wait to live.
A fresh start, a new beginning, a relaxing reprieve.
A place out west, where the scenery shine;
Where palm trees grow and mountains soar high.
To get away from my current hellish existence -
Then again, should I bother? Would it make a difference?
A vacation destination where I could live year 'round;
Forget all my problems, my past with this new life I found.
Why do I sound so hopeful of this?
Well since my life can't get much worse, surely not something I'd miss.
This move is something that I more than need.
In this decision, I will definitely succeed.
This place I have wanted to move to for quite some time;
Since I have no reason to stay here, I wouldn't be leaving anything behind.
I mean, seriously, if I died tomorrow who would even care?
My parents - yes; I think broken beyond repair...
No one else would even miss me... something I thought to share.
So as I said I have nothing holding me here.
The one that mattered most, has all but disappeared.
Working on saving up so I can leave as soon as I can
I was meant to live out west, where the views are quite grand.
Would I find what I seek in this bright new place?
No, not love... I seek no embrace....
Maybe I could find warmth there where the sun is so bright...
Where when I feel cold and empty I could walk into the light.
Giving up on the one thing I was never meant to have;
Maybe this move is what I need to bring the hope back.

(c) Lissa   2005?? 2006??
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