All Souls
To all the souls - in Heaven; in Limbo; in Hell;
This is your day, go forth and be well.
To all the souls who wander on earth;
May you find peace, and rest, for what it is worth.
From ancient Pagan times, this holiday was brought,
Specially for those in purgatory waiting to see heavens gate; they faught.
May the fires of hell not burn as bright nor hot today;
Who know; maybe one day forgiveness will come your way.
Is there really such a thing as an afterlife?
Or is this our hell on earth, with so much strife?
I mean, maybe when you die, your soul will cease to be'
What if one has no soul? What if it's all make believe?
If your soul ceases to be - if we have one at all -
How can one know? What, after death to us might befall?
To those who have supposedly seen "the light";
I'm sorry but to me, thats just not right.
When I get an unexpected adrenaline rush and close my eyes,
I see colors behind closed lids - that's not "the light" you realize.
I often wonder about loved ones who have passed on;
To think they are completely gone - to that I frown upon.
These questions are needed to be answered before my mind can rest,
But who know the right answers? no one - is who I have guessed.
Ask scientists, they will tell you there's nothing, or change the subject;
Ask the religious, they will say it's a mystery, but to that I object.
Each group is influenced in one way or another;
I need real, right answers, these questions I will ponder.
I need to know the meaning of life and death, and what it's all for,
I need to know if there is anything more.
If our loved ones are in heaven, watching over us -
I pray you, be fulfilled, complete, and joyous!

(c) copyright 11/2/05 Melia Teka
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