Another year quickly flying by,
One year closer to the end of time.
Loneliness; the constant consort.
Despair; the ever present cold comfort.
Again I shout for everyone to hear;
Again none take notice of these fears.
Even if love came diving my way,
Would I notice, or push it far away.
I feel so long gone, submissive to the pain
If I continued to stuggle, it would drive me insane.
The older I get the harder it has become,
The pinprick of hope vanishing as I start turning numb.
Friendless, loveless, pointless, and hopeless,
Four words that describe me perfectly, I must confess.
Why am I here? There is no purpose for me;
No one will love me, I exist in misery.
Tears drench the pillow on my lonely bed;
Fitfull sleep; the screams so loud in my head.
Waking up once more to another cup of dread.
Wishing one day soon I would wake up dead.

(c) 4/26/07 Melia Teka
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