Being Tested
Am I being tested by The Fates and by you?
To see if my love is a myth or is true;
To see how much of a lack of attention you can show to me,
Before I get defensive, depressed, or melancholy.
I understand your tactic of "self preservation";
That doesn't mean I have to like it without reservation.
So much is going wrong for you in you day to day life;
I feel so helpless not being able to lift or reprive.
You bury yourself so deep in your games;
I know it's your outlet, still it puts me to shame.
It's nothing personal, I'm probably being over sensitive.
Probably?  That's an understatement, if ever one I'd give.
If your games help you deal, without talking to me -
If you read this poem - know it's my outlet, you see.
You tell me you feel the same as ever did,
Which is good, because nothing, from you have I hid.
To think you fell out of love, or I lost your interest,
Is a fear which surpasses...... can't even finish that sentence.
You tell me that thoughts of me lift you spirits;
That makes me happy... just to hear it.
I understand though, why your feeling down.
I am in a similar situation, actually worse somehow.
If you ask me to explain, I will, gladly.
Well, not exactly gladly, more along the lines of sadly.
I try not to think about it, just think of the future;
If I stay on the same track, it will lead to disaster.
I say it can't get much worse, but I'm only fooling myself.
OK... getting off topic here, back into it I delve.
The Fates seem to continue throwing obstacles in our way,
But if they think that will stop us, I've got another thing to say.
Whatever gets thrown in our laps, with it, we'll deal;
Nothing can stop this love for you, that I feel.
I believe you feel the same, in this frustrating situation.
You say "waiting will be worth it" - I said I'd wait, not a new revelation.
I'll admit sometime my patience with this wears thin,
But I am only human, seems my biggest sin.
I wouldn't mess this up; finding my hearts true desire,
Then giving up because I can't wait; as if there were a fire.
My love for you is stronger then ever;
I hope you know, I'll stop feeling this way - never.

(c) copyright 10/20/05  Melia Teka
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