Beneath the Surface   part 1
On the outside she shows happiness and laughter
Beneath the surface she feels as crazy as the Mad Hatter.
The reality she lives, is not the one she wants
She dreams of more, but for her, those dreams just haunt.
She cries out for help, mentally and emotionally
Is there anyone out there who can help her wholly?
She wants an anchor to hold her, yet she wants to fly.
Most people see her as the strong, hardened type
Very few see her true anguish and scars
Beneath the surface her heart is tarnished and marred.
She longs for the one who will love her as she has loved,
To encompass her wholly, like a hand that is gloved.
She used to hurt herself just so she could feel
With razors, scissors, anything sharp when she couldn't deal
For so long she tucked that pain deep down, or so she thought
But it was just beneath the surface, ready to snap if pulled to taut.
She hasn't felt so alone in years because of the front she has put up,
Though now she's tired of it all, she knows she's close to giving up, that she's had enough.
For so long she has been there for her people
But do they care as she? No - that, she doesn't doubt at all
She is in the prime of her life, she should feel whole
The nagging of her heart, she tries to ignore, and continues to roll
There is so much more she wants to say
About how her life growing up was been full of crap and dismay.
Sure, she was loved and got whatever she asked for
But there are dark things in her past, and so much more
Beneath the surface, there is a whole different person to see
Oh, and if you haven't guess, she, in this poem, is actually me.

(c) copyright 8/7/05 by Melia Teka
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