Cold Embrace
He comes to her at night in her sleep, sitting on the chair not making a sound;
Listening to her breathe and sigh; so at peace when the night is found.
She turns over and he holds his breath, knowing one day he will be caught;
He could easily alter her memories, but he would rather naught.
As the night wears on, and the morning comes near, he leaves as he came,
Only to continue watching the next night, and the following; every night the same.

She wakes up from an unfit rest, knowing he was in her room again,
Sitting there quietly; she does not know what to make of her silent friend.
She knows he means her no harm, and one day soon she will confront him.
He thought he cleared her memories of him, that first night; she woke on a whim,
But for some reason his powers have no control over her; thank the heavens for that.
She�s been playing along for days, following the enthralled act.

That same night, he comes in as the mist, checking to make sure she is a sleep;
How he wishes he could make her his; but he can�t and he silently weeps.
As he is not paying attention, she turns her lamp on stares him in the face;
He is by her side, as fast as the light, her memories he begins to erase.
The look she gives him, goes from annoyed to one of love, and he pauses;
God, if something should happen to her, it would be his hardest of losses.
�Just to let you know, your powers have not yet worked on me� she states.
He opens and closes his mouth not knowing what words to relate.
She tells him to sit down, and explain to her the reasons for what he does.
He still is in shock, and all he can say is, �because�.
�I know you mean me no harm, can�t you just be honest with me?�
She looks deep into his eyes; this reaction could not have been foreseen.
Before he thinks, he tells her that he is not what she may think.
�Oh, so you�re not the immortal man who saves me from the brink?�
He has never been so speechless in all his 700+ years,
This is not what he expected, for her to have no fears.
She puts her hand on the side of his face, and kisses him gently,
He gasps, but regains control and kisses her back passionately.
As they break a part, he takes a deep breath and tells her what she needs to know;
�You�re the one I am destined for, as was fated long ago.�
She wonders why he never let himself be known to her before;
As if reading her thoughts, �I was afraid you would hate me ever more.�
�I would have hated you if you never entered my life and I would�ve been alone forever.�
�Now we both never have to be alone�. Now we can live, and love�.. together.."

(c) copyright 3/21/2006 Melia Teka
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