Should I completely lower all the walls around my heart?
Looking back on the past, that would not seem too smart.
I'll be honest, I am very scared, and with this comes a fear.
But you tell me things, things that I have longed to hear.
My love for you is so deep, true, and sincere.
My soul is no longer restless since you have been near.
It seems my prayers have finally been answered.
They have given you to me; it's like they have heard.

You are so amazing, your light so blinding;
My other half; my bright knight shining.
By writing these words am I jinxing what I have found?
Or is our love so complete nothing can bring it down?
When I hear that you love me, my heart races in gladness.
When I hear that you treasure me, my soul loses its' sadness.
When you talk of our future together, I've a smile on my face.
When you tell me secrets, I sense the trust, more then a trace.
These things and so much more, to me you have shown.
I feel something deep inside, something I have never known.
I completely feel complete with you by my side.
I hope this poem shows you what I have implied.
I devote myself fully to bring you happiness and love,
To be your dark angel from the heavens above.
When I hear your voice, so soothing and pleasant,
I thank the Fates for bringing to me, this present.
From day one it is though we connected on a deeper level.
This feeling I have - feeling so alive, in it I revel.
There is this little nagging part deep within my brain.
Telling me to be careful, or I will get hurt once again.
I am not listening; I am not going to hold back,
I'll give you my all; everything you need, nothing will lack.
I love you so much, and I believe you are the one;
I've finally reached the end of the tunnel, and now see the sun.
I sit here looking 35 years ahead, and not surprised to see;
Us looking deep into each others eyes, still in love - completely.

(c) copyright 9-2-05 Melia Teka
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