Once again her world as come askew,
Finds herself walking down Confusion Avenue
She told him she loved him long ago,
Only to find herself being alone.
The shock she felt when he told her he loved her,
Made her speechless; something that rarely occurs.
Does she dare give in to her old feelings?
Does she even care what he is revealing?
Is she too broken now to allow a blossoming love?
Will she hurt him since her defenses are still up?
She remembers the contentness they felt together,
The passion, the intensity, of one another.
She knows she still feels for him,
Can she rekindle the fire that has grown dim?
She can�t help think it�s not love, but something else,
Second best is what comes to mind, quickly that she expels.
She tries not to dwell on negative thoughts,
Head vs. heart another battle that�s constantly fought;
She will see how, in the end this unfolds;
See if once again her poor judgment will leave her cold.

� copyright Melia Teka 4/17/06
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