Constant Acheon
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My heart aches as I see happy couples walk by
I yearn for someone to come, but one comes, I wonder y
Am I so ugly? AmI trying to hard? What should I do
I let no one know about this treachorous lonliness that engulfs my soul, heart and mind too
I long to feel, touch and kiss the one I grow so fond of
At night when I sleep, I dream about being someone else, I pray for someone to answer my prayers from above
To have what is called a true, everlasting love
Each day I wake, go to work and hope for someone
Each night I cry, knowing I still have no on
My only escape from this nightmare I have, is to hope, dream and write
Hoping for morning I wake up and not think of a lonely night
Im not asking for passion or lust, but just holding someone tight
Knowing I can tell him my most secret desires, to my most riveting nightmare
To laugh with when Im happy, or run to when Im hurt or scared
I put up a facade  of acting to tough, where I dont need anyone or anything
Bt deep down its killing me, eating away at me, like a drug used constantly
How the thought of razor+wrist=such relief of my misery
There is no getting passed what would probly be burning for all eternity
I do not think  what I ask is alot
Since love is divine, and human am I not?
When I write these words I feel something give
How for another day I want to live
If anyone ever got into my head to read my thoughts
Would they laugh? go mad? or pity my distraught
I shall sleep now and dream of him, my soulmate, love and friend
And pray, hope and wish everything turns out right in the end

(c) 1998