Could It Be?
You're the first thing I think about when I wake.
Are you for real? Or just another in a long line of mistakes.
We've so much in common, more then anyone I've ever met
You caught me off guard, I just hope It'll not be another regret.
From the first game, I was hooked on you
You've made me smile and laugh - too good to be true
You've hinted to the possibility of a future; to be more than friends
That's what I'm looking for; at least I know what could happen.
You said you felt like a kid who found the 'Golden Ticket'
To know you feel that way, is always how I want to make it.
I know this poem isn't one of my best
But the thought behind it is truer than the rest.
The longer I know you, I am sure i'll write better ones
I just hope it doesn't end before it has begun.
You're like an unblemished diamond, more precious than you know.
I am sure my feelings for you, will only grow.
I am falling for you quickly, as if falling off a cliff.
Together we can be happy, from the fates, we got this gift.
Am I that desperate to be loved, I'm making you seem more then you are?
I doubt that, we more in common then anyone, I have ever know, by far.
The little things like the same cigarettes, and the way we make our coffee,
To the bigger things, like our music tastes, our thoughts, and feelings.
I would love nothing more than to lay with you, and look up at the stars.
If it all works out, maybe you can heal these scars.
But the pessimistic side of me, says I'm not good enough for you
I'm trying to toss these thoughts aside, it could work out, it really could
Here is the end of this train wreck of words
These feelings in my head, just needed to be heard
Could it lead to love? Or am I just being absurd.....

(c) copyright 8/15/05   Melia Teka
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