With each new life comes a certainty of death;
Each day brings you closer to that of your last breath.
How the ground welcomes you with open arms;
Knowing there will be peace, no more harm.
Thinking of those that sped the process a little faster,
Though for the ones they leave behind; emotional disasters.
Sometimes I envy the ones who had the bravery to go there,
But I would not be that selfish to the few who care,
And I would not give the satisfaction to the ones that hate me.
There is a short poem that sums it all up perfectly:

*"Razors pain you,
Rivers are damp,
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren�t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live."

When the time comes though, I will not fear,
Everyone must go through it, whether far or near.
Will there be an afterlife? Or eternal darkness?
Will I be in hells fire? Or receive an angel�s caress?
Will my ending come in agony? Or quick and painless?
Will I die surrounded by family? Or will I die alone; loveless?
Into these questions and others; I sink in deeper,
But no matter the answers, I still **�don�t fear the reaper.�

� copyright 4/6/06 Melia Teka

* A poem that I do not know who wrote it
** Don�t Fear the Reaper � a song by Blue Oyster Cult
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