Entangled Emotions
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The emotions entangled in all that I am
Are so strong to control or keep in command
Fighting the ache when I look in ut eyes
Losing me mind when what u say could be lies
I dont know what is going on between us
Or even if there is such a thing as an 'us'
At time I feel ur trying to tell me something
The way u say certain things, or by the songs u sing
Everytime u r near me, I try to control my desire
Or wanting and needing u to extinguish the fire
Shall I wait to find out ur true feelings?
Or am I being shown all there is in revealing
The knot is being pulled tighter
I dont know how to loosen it, or make the load lighter
I seem to be battling a losing fight
But ill keep hoping it will turn out right

(c) Lissa 1999