Fairy Tale
The girl dances in the sunlight
Her hair flies in the breeze
Her dress fluttetrs around her
She thinks shes alone amongst the trees

He sits on his black horse
Hidden by the brush
He watches and waits for her
He loves her too much

She does not notice the danger
She doesnt sense his hunger
The innocense of her
Will put her six feel under

The dragon appears less than ten feet away
She screams a sharp high pitched scream
The knight  on his horse rides with his sword ready
Just as in a fairy tale dream

She runs but cannot escape it
The dragon grins and the fire is hot
The knight is nearer and aims his sword
He cant let him hurt her, he just cannot

He plunges the sword in the dragons leg
The dragon, annoyed turns his head around
Sees this knight in shining armor
Thinking to hell he'll be bound

She runs in the thick wooded trees
He looses sight of her, but senses her fear
The dragon attacks, yet the knight is not scared
His concern is for the safety of the one he holds dear

The dragons fire escapes from his mouth
The knight screams and his armor grows hot
He gathers the strength to leap at the dragon
He stabs it again, giving it one last shot

The dragon cries out in pain
The blood runs onto his face
The knight stabs him again
The dragon slows his pace

The knight jumps on the dragons back
holding on for dear life
She watches on in horror
As the knight carries on the strife

She yells to the dragon and he turns slowly
The knight plunges the sword deep into his heart
He does it again and again
The dragon slows and twitches and death had start

The knight jumps off his back
and got on the ground
Runs over to her
She cant make a sound

She cried and throws her arms around him
She kisses him now
He kisses her back
His dreams have come true some how

He puts her on his horse
Takes her to his castle
The marriage takes place
With nothing to hassle

The unicorns drink from the pond
And frolic in the midst
They look into each others eyes
They said "I do" then they kissed

(c) 11-01
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