Fall is my favorite season of the year.
The air is cool, crisp, clean, and clear.
The leaves change to golds, yellows, oranges, and reds;
Everything is getting ready to sleep, getting ready for the year ahead.
The sun doesn't seem so harsh, nor so bright.
It's the season that brings Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas lights.
Perfect weather for holding you close to me,
To keep each other warm by snuggling deep.
The thunderstorms that are plentily;
Being in your arms when lightning strikes; to me - heavenly.
In October it's so much fun carving out pumpkin faces;
Putting up decorations, and cobwebs in many different places.
Listening to scary sounds, and telling ghost stories,
Brings many smiles to my face, especially if outside, it's pouring.
The smells of Fall are of my favorites too,
Of leaves burning, and also of burning wood.
So many festivals, in this town where I live;
From the autumn festival, to the Scarecrow and Pumpkin.
Drinking warm cider, eating caramal apples and candy corn;
Having a genuine good time, not the usual me feeling forlorn.
Next we have Thanksgiving, which is nice, tho not like Halloween.
Time for family get togethers; in my case, just a few are left to be seen.
The next morning waking up to watch parades, and lounge around;
Watch the lighting of Chicago's Xmas Tree and Magnificient Mile, downtown.
Then thinking of new ways to decorate my room,
By putting Santa hats on my dragons, wizards, and unicorns too.
The stress and financial burdens of buying gifts for everyone,
To shop for the same people over the years that have come and gone.
First snow, so white, and pure, beautifully laying on roofs and trees,
Makes for some great photography.
Yes, Fall is definately my favorite season;
Think I gave you several good reasons.
I sit here reminiscing of the Fall's past.
And it's finally here again... again at long last.

(c) copyright 9/28/05 Melia Teka
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