Fight vs. Flight
She sits in her room in front of her computer screen,
Her headphones blasting away in her ears,
Completely oblivious to what�s going on around her.
Unaware of the danger, the commotion, and the fears.

Suddenly she's not alone, she can't even sense it,
But soon she will, though I fear it will be too late .
She feels this presence standing there in her room;
Turns around, and stares directly into black eyes of hate.

She gasps as she backs up slowly to her desk,
He approaches with a knife in hand and has a smirk on his face,
As he raises the knife she puts her hand behind her trying to find something sharp,
She grabs a pen, closes her eyes, and stabs blinding, hoping to hit a vital place.

He screams a blood curdling scream that chills her very soul;
She opens her eyes to see what damage she had caused,
She gets ill when she sees the pen protruding from his eye;
His blood everywhere, she starts to run away, but then she paused.

No sounds were coming from anywhere in the house;
Surely someone heard the screams and would have been here by now;
She fears she knows what happened, and is too scared to go any further,
But curiosity takes over, and she swears out loud.

She walks to the family room, and notices a body on the floor,
Hurry�s over to where it is, looks at what once used to be a man;
Now nothing more then an empty shell;
She tries to shake him, and all she can say softly is a choked �Dad�.

She says a little prayer over him, then moves on to the kitchen,
Tries to prepare herself for the next body of whom she knew it was for sure,
But how can you prepare yourself for something as bad as this;
She walks with her eyes unfocused, and drops to the body sobbing �Mother�.

She now regrets not taking her time and killing him so quickly,
If she could go back she would make him suffer greatly.
He lays on her bedroom floor, slowly coming back to consciousness;
He is in great pain, but gets up cursing hastily.

�She will pay in a more slow way for this �, he thought;
He finds the knife and walks silently though the house to where she is,
Finds her crying over her parents bodies,
Oblivious once again, to the danger that lies within.

The floor squeaks just then and she quickly jumps up;
He sees the anger and hate and the need for revenge in her eyes.
He expresses a slimy grin, and they circle around each other;
He says, �Finally a worthy opponent. To bad it will be you who dies.�

She bites her tongue hard not giving in to his taunts,
She has got her second chance and this time he will beg for his demise.
As she circles to the table she grabbed the scissors that were lying there,
Now they are more evenly matched, �Prepare to die�, she replies.

He comes at her, his murder weapon held in hand.
She leaps to his blind side, and lands on her hands and knees;
Takes her scissors and slices his leg, making him drop his knife as he cushions his land.
When he falls she takes her weapon, getting his fingers in place, she gives them a tight squeeze.

The sound of his pain makes her feel a bit better,
She is far from done though, he deserves so much more.
She grabs his nearly unconscious body and puts him in a chair,
Tapes him up with duct tape. It�s time to settle this score.

She continues this torture act, for hours before she�s through,
Then slits his throat slowly getting pleasure from the act;
Calls 911 and in minutes she hears the sirens,
She is beginning to doubt what she did, though its there in bloody fact.

The doorbell rings and she gathers her courage and lets them in;
She shakes and sobs loudly as the nights events start catching up,
The officers lead her to the table, to explain to them what happened;
She starts talking; as her throat wants to close down, someone hands her a cup.

She continues telling this disaster, and finally comes to an end;
The officers look at her with pity, silent approval, and their knowing look.
The coroner comes to carry the bodies away,
Wonders if they will eventually throw at her, the book.

Several years go by, and though she seems to have moved on;
The emptiness within her heart has never truly been eased.
Though now she has a husband, 2 kids, a dog, and a great life,
She senses something in the water, and wonders if her past is truly deceased.

(c) copyright 3/18/2006 Melia Teka
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