Flames Flicker
As I lay here on my bed,
Watching the flames dance on the candles end,
Listening to my dark symphonic CD;
I wish you were here, holding me; protecting me.
To see your face in this candlelight,
Would make the bad things in my life, seem all right.
The flicker of the flames make everything seem beautiful;
How these flames bring mystery to what was once dull.

Staring into these flames as if in a trance;
Wishing to be the fair maiden, and you asking me to dance.
The ballroom so big, the music so soothing and loud;
The look in your eyes tell me so much without a sound.

I look outside into the bright face of the moon;
The night so perfect for romance, hoping it comes to me soon.
With this music and these candles,
Seems more then I cand handle.

As I shake my head and comes back to reality,
Though this could happen soon, thinks with passionate feeling.
Things are in the air, there will soon be change;
For better or worse, that I can not explain.
If it gets worse, it will ust stay the same,
Though if it gets better, my happiness won't stay contained.
Even if it's something small;
That is fine, I'm not asking for it all.
Just a cozy life with you by my side;
From this day forward until the end of time

copyright (c) 11/20/05 Melia Teka
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