Forest of Death
The dark forest continues to relentlessly beckon;
She tries to fight the dreaded needful pull;
Every time she walks past, with herself she reckons.
This time she walks to the forests edge, and the feeling nulls.
With trance like grace she enters into the black abyss;
With nothing and no one, she knows she won't be missed.
Doesn't notice all signs of life around her die.
She regains her senses but continues to walk forward.
As the trees engulf her, she hears a faint cry.
She looks behind her, but to the sound she moves toward.
Further she walks to what becomes a clearing in the trees.
She sits on a rock, not sure what to do;
A movement catches her eye, and she lets out a scream;
A second look and she laughs - it was just a raccoon.
With a sigh of relief, she silently begins to pray;
Turning forward a face stares directly back;
She scrambles off the rock; starts to crawl away.
When she looks again, no one is around, and everything goes black...

She awakens to voices, but no faces to be seen.
She gets up and tries to run, back in the direction she came;
Doesn't realize she's running deeper into the green.
Starts to panic, then a childlike voice calls her name.
Stops dead in her tracks with questions running through her mind;
Calls out to the trees, to stop playing this game.
Her brain screams to get out, but the child she must find.
Turns around to see something, anything, but the black of night covers all.
Panic mode sets in, all around her the voices cry out.
Flickers of light appear in the trees, she runs, then stumbles and falls.
What are they? Curiosity takes over, but her mind is in doubt.
Feels a pulling at her sleeve, she jumps and looks down.
A girl in a white old-fashioned dress and cloak looks up, with blue eyes.
Somethings not right, she can see through the girl in the gown.
The little girl smiles sadly and whispers - "I want to go home." then cries.
"Where do you live?" She asks, but deep down she knows;
The little girl takes her hand, and walks her to the burial mound.
"I live with my family here, buried deep in the ground."
The tears fall from her eyes, and tries not make a sound.
"Don't be sad for me, everyone will be happy that I was found."
She starts to fade, then disappears, leaving her all alone.
A rumbling in the ground brings a roar of anger;
She gathers her wits, runs; then hears a deafening groan.
Inside, her brain screams out 'danger, danger'.
Lightning strikes the trees, where she stands;
Burning branches form around her, a ring of fire;
She sees no where to escape from this pit of fiery hell;
The flames burn bright, and suddenly grow higher.
She starts to cough, and to the ground she fell.
She then tries to breath in quick mouthfuls of air;
Rather to pass out then feel the flames lick her skin.
Starts getting numb then blacks out as the flames kiss her hair.
Feels the pain she does, but can't wake from this nightmare.
Screams inside as her skin blisters, peels and burns.
Why won't the little girl help her, why doesn't she care?
Voice whispers in her head "who do you think brought the lightning to turn?"

(c) Melia Teka 6/10/08
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