I Hate You
I thought that if I saw you coming �round again I would be glad,
But when I saw that your back, I even skipped over sad, and went to down right mad.
The way you played with my mind, is something I can never forgive,
No hope of hearing me say, �I forgive and forget�, as long as you live.
Not that it would matter to you, because obviously EVERYTHING you said were lies,
Did you even think of me when you didn�t have the decency to say goodbye?
Those months I spent doing all I could in the situation I was in to make you feel special,
Was something I really thought you appreciated, because you said so yourself.
Nothing more then another liar, who could care less about anyone but you,
It�s funny how in my poem called �Liar� I foresaw how again I would get screwed.
Godsmack explains it best in their song coincidentally called �I F***ing Hate You�
ALL people are the same, don�t waste your breath with excuses telling me your not,
Nothing you say could ever make me �feel� again. Won�t be happy �til you burn and rot.
Those nights I lay in bed trying to grasp onto hope,
Was nothing more then me grasping a slippery rope.
The tears that I shed for you wouldn�t stop until I fell asleep,
Only to wake up again shortly there after with tear stained cheeks.
Time will not heal all wounds, when they build up so quickly over the years
I am sorry if this poem is too harsh, but you brought true my worst fear.
May what you did to me come back to you ten fold,
And never will be able to ease the inner cold.
I never thought I could hate someone as fully as I hate you,
But if the shoe was on the other foot, what would you do?
What kind of man is so chicken that his way out, is that of hiding?
Whatever type of man (ha) you are, you are not one worth anyone finding..

� copyright 3/22/06 Melia Teka
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