I Quit
I'm done, i'm through,
it is over with you.
Don't act surprised, you knew who
was on my mind.
All the times that you lied.
The truth I denied but then realized
what you are, far from the marred, scarred, and
broken man.
I can not stand the act, or the touch of your hand.
Behind closed doors, you act nice like before,
knowing what would be in store.
A good man is a myth, nothing more than a lore.
The grief that you dealt,
was felt, like the whip of a belt.

I quit being hit with this s*it,
that gets whipped back to me, like it did in the past.
I knew it was too good to last.
It started too strong, too fast.
I quit being the one that gets hurt and stepped on,
who gets shunned, from the one, whom she loved so much.
The walls go up again, until the end of the mend
that I must go to tend. Til then I depend on the hardened
front that was put up to shut out the emotions,
that hit like the tides of the ocean.
The motions so strong
The notions so wrong.
It was gone, not too long, after
it begun, like a song. And again I'm no one.

*****NOTE: This poem style is completely different from they way I usually write. Please leave feedback to tell me what you think.. I tried. I probably will go back to my other style of writing, unless feedback tells me otherwise. I am sure no one cares either way, but I felt like disclaiming, so deal with it and move on!!!  Thank you ahead of time.*****

(c) copyright 8/10/05 Melia Teka
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