I Tried
I tried.....
I tried to make myself hate you,
But it seemed like something I just couldn't do.
I tried to make myself only like you as a friend,
But it seemed like it wasn't possible, in the end.
The things I've longed to hear from you, were said that night,
But you were drunk - drinking away the pain and the fright.
The hurt I felt knowing you could then only tell me those things,
Was something that felt worse then a thousand hornet stings.
When I asked you in the morning if you regretted saying what you did,
You ignored me, and changed the subject - it's like you hid.
But the answer was loud and clear and made me die inside;
I didn't know what would've been worse, being ignored, or if you lied.
I tried to be strong until then, keeping quiet, thinking I had learned;
But that night when you cried on my shoulder, the love returned.
Turning on full force, leaving nothing but third degree burns.
You asked me why I think you're so special.
My heart chooses the one, then I can't help but fall.
If I write a list, will this then make you see?
Here are some of the reasons, you mean so much to me...
You have a BIG heart - always giving, never taking.
You have been through so much - I want to cease the strife and graving.
The way you feel inside - I see, through the words you tell,
The romantic that you are, is one of the reasons I fell.
The way you made love to me, was more amazing then expected.
In which I say, this art, you have completely perfected.
You are a great man though you would never say it,
But I think I know you - and to that you would never admit.
There are tons of little things you do, way I know you care.
How the fates can be so cruel; this is just not fair.
I know you have else where to be, that you are going to move,
You asked me how I felt about it, I couldn't tell the whole truth.
But if it's what makes you happy - then I will never say.
I'll just support you decision - while my heart's withering away.
You tell me that you're scared, but you really want to go;
If you're scared, stay here, but you'd regret it so.
I do not want you to hate me, I know I couldn't deal.
I'm fighting these walls to go up - so again I can not feel.
You know I'd give to you everything I am, every inch of my being;
I would do everything in my power to keep you from leaving.
If things do not work for you, where you are going,
You can always come to me no matter how far ahead, knowing
I'll never stop loving you, you never have to feel alone.
Just remember when we were together, and my love for you was shone.
If you this poem, I hope you don't feel a guilt trip.
That is not how I intended this poem to grip.
I just wanted to tell you that I have tried, but I am so weak.
I hate feeling this way, so humble, so meek.
I will end now by asking - 'Has anyone died from being broken hearted?'
Because I feel I am being torn aprt, and the dying has started.

(c) copyright 8-23-05 Melia Teka
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